Okay.. you two are TOO CUTE!
I feel like a mother hen.. sending her chickies off out of the nest.. I've given you the tools to survive.. now go forth and ... phone $#^??
I lived alone so I used to log into the system at night when I went to bed.. the phone would wake me up and I'd have that sexy, just rolled over voice.. then I'd log off in the morning and go to work.
ahhh the good old days..

I know ya didnt ask about me
but I'm here too. Lori and Marsha from what I gather have been having a hard time on here with different members and that's why they've not been posting much. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me.
How's the weight loss coming? I still have to wait for De****il my consult, its creeping up slowly but surely. It should go fast from here on out. I've got this month with halloween and making the boys' costumes, then start my christmas shopping in Nov, Thanksgiving, etc. Lots to do to pass the time.

Here they are... there's some pretty interesting conversations on there too!!!