Finding a surgeon who takes Medicaid

on 9/2/04 11:28 am - Polo, IL
Well I found a place called new hope surgical. I wi**** wasn't so far away. I think I found it through someone here and can't remember who. Soooo sorry. I go there Sept 13 for an informational session. Wish me luck... Anyone go here? or the person who informed me willing to let me know who you are so I can thank you better? Blessings, katie
Proud Military Mom
on 9/2/04 12:40 pm - Reno, NV
Katie, Melissa just got home today from surgery with them, I'm waiting for my consult to be scheduled so is my friend Michelle, were driving 4+ hours to go there because the only dr. in the st. louis area has a medicaid waiting list till 2008, I'm sure when Melissa is up moving around a bit better she can fill you in on the surgeon and staff. GOod luck!
on 9/2/04 1:33 pm - Polo, IL
Have you gone to one of those information sessions all ready then? Anything I should expect? Blessings, and THANKS, Katie
Proud Military Mom
on 9/2/04 11:48 pm - Reno, NV
The informational meeting should be like any other one, you can start talking to your PCP to get your tests started, you will have to have all your medical stuff together before they will schedule your appointment. Here's a list of what I included in my packet to them... *Letter From Pcp *Psychological Evaluation *Letter To Medicaid (from you asking for approval) *Upper Gi Results *Dietician Visits *Medical Records ( 1 year history) Gastrointestinal Records *Results Of Pulmonary Tests *Copy Of Medicaid Card *Diet History W/ Food Diary *Medication List *Questionnaire Reational For The Surgical Treatment Of Morbid Obesity Medicare Says Obesity Is A Disease The * means they are required. If you have any questions let me know or email me... Good Luck
Captain Vitamist
on 9/2/04 11:59 pm - Somewhere, IL
It was probably me that told you about New Hope Surgical. I am the Melissa they are all talking about. I just had surgery on Tuesday and I'm doing pretty well. The informational meeting will be specifically for public aid recipients. It outlines the surgical options Band vs. RNY and lets you figure out what is better for you. Crystal (the bariatric coordinator) is just amazing and wonderful and so helpful. I can't tell you how much I love her. LOL Dr. Tiesenga is the best too. He is very friendly and treats you like a friend that needs his help not some fat ass that is searching out an easy fix. The pickings are slim for public aid so you have to find ALL the doctors and decide from there. Debby has a list. It might be far but I tell ya...they are great! HTH Melissa aka butt joiner, limp biscuit, buttery biscuit and everything in between
on 9/3/04 1:26 am - Polo, IL
thank You so much!!!!!!! You are possibly the one that gave my Crystal's E-mail then? I had contacted her via e-mail and she gave me the date for the informational session and told me because I had been approved before by regular insurance that She is almost positive I'll be approved by public aide. Also...when the number kept being busy when I was trying to register, I e-mailed her and she simply registered me for 2 people. I have a WONDERFUL supportive friend that is going with me. She had the surgery herself a couple years ago. So I in a way have an ANgel all ready. And she only lives two houses from me. She came on a couple of days ago to register so you all will be hearing from her (meeting her) soon. Blessings, And may God bless you with a speedy recovery!! Katie single homeschooling mom of 4
Proud Military Mom
on 9/3/04 3:45 am - Reno, NV
HOMESCHOOLING 4 KIDS!!!!!!!! you could possibly be more insane than me.... since I didnt homeschool mine other than the colorful vocabulary they have... Hopeful the Biscuit muncher and I wont offend you with our horrid sailor type language if we do just let us know.... Debby oh and here's the complete Medicaid Dr. List Dr. Shayani In maywood.... he only does the Lap Band and he requires you to go to one support group meeting then will schedule a consult he moves pretty fast. 708-327-2899 Dr. Oliphant in Urbana he moves slower you have to call his office for a packet fill it out send it back in and you'll hear from them for an appointment in a few months I think he's currently scheduling for January/February. 217-383-3240 RNY only The surgeons at the COMP clinic at SIU they require a $260 up front to cover things that medicaid wont ??? and then 10-20 for nutritionist appointments and support group costs too. (217) 545-COMP Open RNY only Dr. Frederick Tiesenga in River Forest. (708) 386-1078 He just started accepting public aid. To get into the consult with him you will have to go to an informational meeting and get a packet. In the packet will be papers for you to fill out. You will need an upper GI, Gallbladder U/S(If you still have it), Psych Eval, Sleep Study (IF NEEDED), nutritionist consult ($75 OOP but most hospitals will see you through the wellness program for free if your on medicaid) You also have to write an essay explaining how YOU think the surgery is and how it is going to go. You have to explain WHY you need the surgery. (This all gets sent to the insurance company) There's a surgeon in Bloomington Indiana that just got Illinois Public Aid providership. His name is Dr. Bradley Ray 812-330-9962 LAP Band Only If you hear of any others feel free to email them to me so I can add them to the list!!!
Sassy Cathy
on 9/3/04 11:30 am - Staunton, IL
Just a little FYI on the COMP clinic at SIU School of Medicine ... I believe they are beginning to do the lap band soon if someone chooses that route. Gotta promote my guy lol. Dr. Sutyak is awesome as are the rest of the COMP clinic staffers! Cathy
on 9/3/04 6:55 am - Polo, IL
As I said before I will be attending the informational session on Sept. 13 in River Forest. I would like some questions, so sorry for being a pest. 1. Letter from PCP?? IS this a referral letter? 2. Upper Gi Results....Have to hve an upper GI?? UUUUUUGH! Never had one, what does this entail?? Or don't I wanna know? 3. Dietician visits? I only ever went to a dietician more than 10 years ago and after finding out that the medical card wouldn't pay for it after they told me it would, I never went back after getting a bill I was unable to pay 4. Medical Records....Can I just sign a release of records for them from when I was approved with insurance through BTC in Rockford? ( I no longer have insurance just medicaid) 5. Pulmonary Test- Guess I'll have to get a new one, my last one is almost a year ago. 6. Medicaid Card - EASY task! 7. Diet history?? Isn't that kinda what they did with me at BTC, when they asked me what diets I'de tried and the results? Also food diary? what does this need to include? 8. Medication List- EASY 9. Questionarre- I assume this is in the packet I will get on the 13th? Gall Bladder u/s? Psych eval? where to go for this? Sleep study, had one a year ago, is this good enough?? No sleep apnea just restless leg syndrome. and nutritionist consult? where to go? Sorry for so many questions, but if I can get the ball rolling on some of this stuff prior it would help a lot. I am feeling overwhelmed that the possibility of having this surgery is so remote and a long time away... Thanks for all your help and support. As for the language..LOL I try NOT to, but even I when extremely angry my tongue gets a bit loose. I prefer people not to use bad language and I prefer not too...BUT it DOES happen! I don't judge others, I cannot, heck I'm NOT perfect how can I expect others to be? Hugs to my new friends, and Blessings, Katie
Proud Military Mom
on 9/3/04 9:09 am - Reno, NV
Ok one thing at a replys are in caps... 1. Letter from PCP?? IS this a referral letter?.... YES IT IS 2. Upper Gi Results....Have to hve an upper GI?? UUUUUUGH! Never had one, what does this entail?? Or don't I wanna know? YOU SWALLOW SOME FIZZIES THEY ARE LIKE CRUSHED ALKA SELTZER, THEN YOU SWALLOW BARIUM WHILE THEY TAKE XRAYS OF IT GOING DOWN... ITS NOT A BIG DEAL OTHER THAN THE BARIUM TASTE LIKE CRAPOLA. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH CONSTIPATION NORMALLY YOU WILL WANT TO DRINK LOTS OF WATER AND TAKE A LAXATIVE AFTER YOU GET HOME. 3. Dietician visits? I only ever went to a dietician more than 10 years ago and after finding out that the medical card wouldn't pay for it after they told me it would, I never went back after getting a bill I was unable to pay CALL YOUR LOCAL HOSPITAL'S WELLNESS CENTER THEY MAY HAVE ONE THERE THAT TAKES IT, I KNOW OURS DOES. 4. Medical Records....Can I just sign a release of records for them from when I was approved with insurance through BTC in Rockford? ( I no longer have insurance just medicaid) YOU'D HAVE TO ASK CRYSTAL BUT IT MIGHT SLOW THINGS DOWN, YOU ONLY NEED ONE YEAR HISTORY AND YOU SHOULDNT HAVE TO PAY FOR THEM JUST CALL THE DOCTORS OFFICE AND GET WHAT YOU CAN... 5. Pulmonary Test- Guess I'll have to get a new one, my last one is almost a year ago. IF ITS LESS THAN A YEAR OLD IT MIGHT BE OK CHECK WITH CRYSTAL 6. Medicaid Card - EASY task! 7. Diet history?? Isn't that kinda what they did with me at BTC, when they asked me what diets I'de tried and the results? Also food diary? WHAT YOU EAT IN A NORMAL DAY AND A NORMAL WEEKEND DAY..what does this need to include? THIS IS JUST A LIST OF ALL THE DUMB DIETS YOU WERE ON ITS INCLUDED IN THE PACKET THEY WILL GIVE YOU. 8. Medication List- EASY 9. Questionarre- I assume this is in the packet I will get on the 13th? Gall Bladder u/s? IF YOU HAVE A GALLBLADDER YOU WILL NOT NEED THIS IF YOU DO ITS JUST A ULTRA SOUND TO SEE IF YOU HAVE STONES OR ANYTHING WRONG WITH IT, IF YOU DO THEY WILL TAKE IT WHEN THEY DO SURGERY, SINCE PEOPLE WHO LOOSE LARGE AMOUNTS OF WEIGHT END UP LOOSING THEIR GALL BLADDER WITHIN A YEAR THEY TAKE IT SO IT WONT GO BAD ON YA! Psych eval? where to go for this? THIS IS THE HARDEST ONE, ALL YOU CAN DO IS CALL AROUND EVERY PSYCHOLOGIST YOU CAN FIND, START WITH YOUR LOCAL HOSPITAL.. Sleep study, had one a year ago, is this good enough?? No sleep apnea just restless leg syndrome. AGAIN CHECK WITH CRYSTAL ON THIS YOU MIGHT NOT NEED IT and nutritionist consult? where to go? NUTRITIONIST IS THE DIETICIAN SORRY ABOUT THAT dONT GET OVERWHELMED ITS NOT AS BAD AS YOU MIGHT THINK IT IS... THIS IS A LOT LESS THAN WHAT SOME OF THE OTHER SURGEONS WANTED, HELL DR. SHAYANI WANTED A PAP SMEAR AND A MAMMOGRAM FIRST... I TOLD HIM THATS NOT WHAT I NEED FIXED!!! yOU JUST NEED TO GET ON THE PHONE AND START CALLING AND IF SOMEONE SAYS THEY DONT ASK IF THEY KNOW WHO DOES... GOOD LUCK!!!
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