Feedle's Funnies..not funny!
I wasn't gonna post a 'Funny' today but I just got out of the bathroom at work and my zipper BROKE!!!!
My shirt is not long enough to cover it so I'm off to Target to buy some pants!! They better have some decent pants there!!
Thought you guys would get a kick out of it! (As long as it happens to someone else huh???)
BWahhhh HA HA HA HA!
Well, that makes ME have a story to tell.
The other day I was in the store getting some groceries and there was this big boneded lady behind me wearing clothes she had NO BUSINESS WEARING. She had taken to Mo and they were chattnig and playing. I turn around to talk to her and I glance down to see ALL HER BUSINESS HANGING OUT. Her zipper had obviously revolted at the sheer pressure she was putting on it. We're talking she's about a 26 in a size 18 skirt. No LIE!
I'm here talking to her trying not to keep looking and I am trying to figure out how to say something to her to tell her but there were a LOT of people around and I didn't want to go whisper it in her ear because she didn't know me so I just kept on my way and got to the car and spilled to my husband.
I'm evil. I should have told her. I felt totally bad but she had NO BUSINESS wearing clothes like that. I understand not getting clothes that fit but she wasn't THAT big. They make them in her size. JESUS.