Pre-Op testing blues
Hi all,
I have SO MUCH pre-op testing to do in such a short amount of time. I just really need to vent. I went and had an EKG yesterday, everything came out normal, yet the Doctor wants me to have a cath stress test (I asked her why and she said "just because" WTF... not only that but I have to have a pre-op endoscopy, arterial blood gases, X-rays, ultrasounds and even an HIV test (just had one a month ago but they won't use that). I know i'm *****ing and moaning, and yes I know all these tests are for my own good. I'm just amazed that some people can manage to get it all done in one day! I think my surgeon requires alot more testing that others, it's a good thing but it's stressing me the hell out! I keep having to take all this time off work and now my boss is getting irritated... GRRRR... it'll all be over soon enough! I feel like a stuck pig (literally). Thanks for letting me vent, have a great weekend all.