An idea, who likes Ren Fairs?
The Bristol Faire is the BOMB! Sexy men EVERYWHERE! YUM! I'll never forget my first time...Sir John Harrington...Tasty Morsels Of GoodnessMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Oh..there's other stuff to do too. Bring lots of $$ because there is a TON of stuff to buy. And you MUST get a pickle from one of the wenches.
But it's worth the trip just to go stare at the men in tights.
I actually put on a Medieval Banquet for my kids' school almost 2 years ago. My HS Eng.Lit teacher owns a company in Elmhurst that puts on Medieval weddings, etc. She came down with Sir John, who she works with occasionally and another Sir John. They fought with swords, we had a dragon, was a good time! Hence the pic of me in my costume on my webpage..theres a link on my profile. Somewhere I have a pic of the tasty morsel kissing my hand...LOL