Psycho Evaluation
Ok who knows what they want for the psycho evaluation? DOes anyone have a copy of a letter they were written? Or an outline or anything??? This and the dieticians thingy is all i need to get together for this next surgeon... HELP!!!
Btw sorry I have been here just lurking...........
How's everyone dooooooing????
Hiya! Glad to see you're still alive! I just told my normal Psych. at my last appointment that I need a clearance letter for bariatric surgery, and he said no prob! I don't know what he wrote, but he faxed it over right away. I was expecting a whole bunch of questions, but nope! So if you have a psych already, I'de go to them, if not, I don't know! But I wish you luck! Which surgeon have you chosen now?
When I went to my psych eval we just talked first and he explained what he was evaluating for; (1) To evaluate for mental illness (2) To evaluate whether sure I understand this surgery and that I don't have unrealistic expectations and (3) To evaluate if I will have the ability to follow rigid instructions. Then he gave me these two very long standardized tests, one was a list of statements and I had to choose whether I agree or disagree with the statement and then the second test was where they would make a statement and then you had to chose between four responses which one you thought was the most correct. It wasn't difficult, just lengthy.
I don't know if I still have my approval letter, but if I find it I can scan you a copy. Hope this helps, and good luck