1st post-op plane ride
On June 2, I took my first post-op plane ride. NO seatbelt extender! AND the tray table came all the way down!!!!!!!
What a treat!!!!
Surgery was 4/12, started at 353, was 297 on 6/1 ...
Cannot express the satisfaction and thrill of not having to ask for an extender and not having to use the tray table next to me!!! Admittedly, with the arm rest down, I still "hung out" a little ... but HEY, my mother-in-law (who weighs 100 pounds) didn't mind!!
Look out Cedar Springs! Soon I'll fit in the rollercoasters!!
Congratulations on your happy flight! My surgery isn't scheduled until late July, but taking a flight like yours is one of my top goals. Between the tight seat, the belt extender and the non-functioning tray, I've felt more like cargo than a passenger for years now. I can only imagine how great you must have felt, but I'm looking forward to finding out for myself!