TGIF Family
Well i wanted to say GoodMorning family.Good luck to everyone trying to have surgery or that has had it.OOOh and i have to say i when to Bingo lastnite and won $137.00 heheheh
I was so excited im gona do some shoppin today
.Well i hope everyone has a good weekend
..byeeee for now!!!
..A special hello to all my girls.DIX,DEBBY.LORI.LORA.MARSHA.KONNI.MICHELLE,and truley sorry if i missed anyone.

GOod afternoon everyone!!! Sorry I havent been on to much Ken is leaving tomorrow morning and I have been at his house trying to spend as much time with him as I can. He will be gone for my surgery
But it will be kinda of cool to see his reaction if I have a good amount of weight gone by the time I see him again... This is going to be so hard last time he was away on a contract job he was just in Indiana so we still saw each other atleast once a month and he was only gone 4 months. This time he will be in Colorado for a YEAR!!! I will be going out in December when the kids go to their fathers, so I am praying i get to have my surgery in July/August so I will have some poundage off before I see him.
Lori great news about the house!!!
Chandra, I need to borrow some money... LOL
Talk to you all later gotta go fix a few computers