Tuesday Roll Csll
Good Morning,
I have a crazy, busy day at work today, It should be this way for at least a few weeks.
I will finish up my Holiday shopping on Friday. All I have left to do is buy gift cards for all. Then do all the food shopping .
Otherwise, I will be chilling out. Somewhat. You all know that isn't going to happen.
I will be out the door in 15 min. or so.
Have a great day,
ok lets try this again. Believe it or not I posted once and it didn't work!!!
I have been so busy but right now I am relaxing. Greg is out of town on business.
Sunday I baked a bunch to serve at the homeless shelter. I had a lot left over and I thought I could leave it there and they could serve it for breakfast or let them take it with them as a snack. NOPE...anything I left behind would be tossed!!!! SO I took my pound cake into work. Everyone loved it. I had two requests to make them one and they would pay me. This has happened to me more than once. If I had the money and the inclination I would open a bakery.
Well have a nice eveining all