Monday Roll Call

on 1/25/15 9:21 pm - IL

Good Morning,

I am grateful this morning that we are not going to get the snow that is to hit the NE today and tomorrow. Also that I won't be flying out there in the next few days.

We met a friend of Hubert;s for supper last night. It was fun. I enjoy going out on Sunday evening for supper. We don't do it very often.

Today is back to work. I cannot believe it is the last week of january already.

What is happening in your world?





crystal M.
on 1/26/15 1:28 am - Joliet, IL

Hello everyone

Well I have had an upsetting day to say the least.  My coworker got an anonymous letter sent to her house by a former employee.  She called her and her kids very bad names.  No threats just ranting.  But it is disturbing because how did she know her address???  It was type written and no return address of course.  To me it takes a very angry and disturbed person to do this.  To type out a letter and find her address and mail it.  The person we think did it was fired last month.  And what is more upsetting is that I really liked her.  And weirdly enough I got a card from her a few weeks back thanking me for being such a great coworker...always with a smile on my face.  It didn't occur to me to think "hey how did she get my address".  I even sent her a Christmas card back thanking her for her kind words.  But when I heard of this incident I started to think...hey she sent me a card too.  So I told my boss.  So they knew.  Complete disclosure.  I don't want anyone thinking I am hiding something.  Not to mention it kind of shows that she has a history of mailing things to employees.  I just can't believe I was so wrong about her.  Why didn't I see that she had a potential for this kind of hatred and craziness.  I am a bad judge of people.  I will say a little prayer for her in hopes that she gets out this dark place she is in.

I started out my day tired because I spent the whole day at church helping Greg rewire the computer lab to a new server....35 computers...ugh.  We didn't get home till almost 10.  It took 10 hours to do and we got all but one up and running.  Yeah!!!  But after this whole thing my mind has been going 100 mph ( no more tiredness).  I keep going over and over things in my mind.  Trying to figure things out.  Like I can't for the life of me figure out why she zeroed in on the person she did.  For some reason she must blame her for losing her job...but why???


Oh well I need to stop obsessing. 

Have a good day all. Stay warm  

on 1/26/15 5:56 am - Rock City, IL

Good afternoon Lisa and the rest of Illinois!

I have been to Freeport for a meeting and a Wal-Mart run for cat food.  Am now home and finished my lunch of left overs from the party.  I had rack of lamb, lobster, green beans almandine and mushrooms.  YUM!  Now, I am checking my computer.

Sharon, I LOVE sushi.  I have never had a piece of shu****hat I didn't like.  As Lisa says, they are not all raw.  One of my favorites is a "Surf and Turf" with cooked steak and crab salad.  I usually take off most of the rice.  There is also a really great one that is wrapped with cucumber that has no rice.  YUMMY!

Crystal, that is very disturbing!  You are doing the right things in telling the bosses and praying for her to get better.

Todd's party weekend went well.  Friday night, Riley had a blast in the pool.  Saturday, she got to swim for a couple hours before her parents picked her up.  Dinner was fantastic, as usual.  The open bar and dancing part was a little more difficult for me but I managed ok.  I only had issues with all the neglected drinks that were melting and left all over the place (including the restroom).  They just called out to me.  I ignored them and periodically went up to our room to escape.  I DID dance though!  No alcohol needed!  Another first for me!  I felt fantastic in the morning, and well-rested.  Amber, Phil and Riley met us for brunch yesterday.  So, all in all, a good weekend and another "first" under my belt.

For the rest of the day, I think I will get the laundry started for Todd.  He does all the laundry and tells me not to do it, but I am here and he is at work so I might as well.

I am also glad that we are not getting a blizzard.

Everyone have a great day!


Tell someone that you love them!

on 1/26/15 7:44 am - Brookfield, IL
VSG on 04/16/12

Hi My Peeps,

the weather got bad as I was getting home at noon. I have tons of energy since I started taking "stinging nettles" tincture that I got from Whole Foods. So I worked all day cleaning, cooking, and doing loads of laundry. 

Crystal, I once had to fire a person who waited a month and then sent a letter to the owner's home address saying all sorts of unsavory things about everyone. She addressed the letter to the wife and even said the doctor/owner was sleeping with one of the nurses. It was very ugly. It left moral bad for awhile.

Dawn, good for u for cutting the rug. I love dancing.

well dear ones, I have to run. 









Nancy G.
on 1/26/15 8:51 am - La Salle, IL

Good Evening Everyone!

I stayed home sick today.  We went grocery shopping yesterday and the roads were awful and I felt awful and on the way to the store I made up my mind that I was not going to work today.  So I spent the day Cozy cuddling with the cats and napping.  I am glad I stayed home as the roads were nasty according to the news.  This morning there were lots of accidents due to blac**** and then it snowed this afternoon and I guess there were Lots more accidents tonight.  Tonight until early tomorrow morning we are getting freezing rain.  That does not make good walking conditions for me and I am losing my voice so it looks like I will be home tomorrow as well.  My biggest fear these days is falling.

I was talking to my oldest sister on Sunday and telling her I cant believe how old we are.  I thought our parents were OLD when they were this age!  I dont think we are that OLD.  Of course I am in denial.  My oldest cousin is in her mid 70's and that totally shocks me.  She CAN"T be that old!  We are NOT as old as our OLD aunts and uncles!  I keep telling myself that.  I even have an aunt who is in her late 90's and an uncle that is 104 so they are alive so WE are not OLD,  THEY are!   See, I am in DENIAL   The only thing I will admit is I am the poster child for "Help! I fell and can not get up!"  

I have a funny Fluffer story.  Rick put a collar on Fluffer and he became a different cat.  He actually turned into a cat, loving and wanting to be petted.  Well last week, Rick took the collar off to add a nametag and Fluffer would not come near either of us for a week!  Not even to get the collar back on.  Well when we caught him for grooming, we put the collar back on and now Fluffer is back to our loving cat who wants t o be loved and held!  Go Figure??? 

Crystal, that is odd about that girl.  I would be cautious of her.  Feel relieved that you got the nice letter.  It was good to share it with your supervisors.  Crystal, you better watch out, it sounds like Greg is going to turn you into an IT person!    You sound so happy!  I am so happy for you!  I am so glad that you have found Greg! 

Dawn, I am so proud of you for surviving your party!  That shows lots of strength and commitment!  Way to go!  You are doing super!   I saw the pictures you posted of Riley on facebook and it looked like she was having a fantastic time!

Lisa, you and Hubert seem to find so much to do.  That has been a blessing to have found each other as well.  So many years together is a wonderful testament to your commitment.  Stay safe and be careful out there in this weather.  I too find it hard to believe that we are in the end of January!  

Sharon, I am so glad you have come back home!  You too have become so strong and have accomplished so much in the past 6-8 months!  I am so proud of you as well!    You have made such huge steps in your recovery and such great leaps in you exercise!  What great accomplishments!  Keep up the great work!  

I am still on the mostly dark side of sushi.  We did stop at the sushi section one day at our local store and had a great conversation with their chef who is from Japan.  He relieved me of my fears of eating raw fish by helping me understand how they treat it to prevent food poisoning and gave us some samples.  They were really good but I still do not have enough nerve to make a meal of sushi.  

Everyone have a great week!  Stay safe!  Drive carefully!

    Cat Lady

on 1/26/15 8:40 pm - Brookfield, IL
VSG on 04/16/12


Love the fluffer story. He must need that collar to feel safe......weird! How old was he when you got him? Maybe he wore one in his last home as a kitten.

Thanks for the kind words, i have worked hard, but God has given me a ton of fruit and my life is so different now. I am free. He broke some of those chains that were keeping me miserable. Now I need to work on my diet and lose this last bit of weight once and for all. Id like to lose about 60 more.

Feel better Dear one.






Nancy G.
on 1/27/15 12:19 pm - La Salle, IL

Fluffer was born to my outside cat Oreo and he has lived inside since he was about 3 months old. He has never worn a collar until now.  That is what is so weird.  He must have been jealous of the other cats having collars.  He did not have one because of his lion cut.  But now he has one.  

You have done so well.  You deserve all the kudos that you are receiving!


    Cat Lady

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