Wednesday Roll Call

on 1/7/15 5:35 am - Brookfield, IL
VSG on 04/16/12

Hi Ice Bunnies, Hi Carla!

I dont know if its the weather with the low temps or my computer, but all the electronics are sloooooooooooooow. Facebook is slow on my IPAD, Pinterest is slow on my IPHONE, OH is slow on my desk top.

I have been busy (hahahaha) reading all morning. Havent even gotten dressed....pathetic but divine. Nobody here but me and the cats......I am going to pop a chicken in the oven and head upstairs to shower. I started my car this morning, went to the gym and then was home by 8am.

Has anyone tried the Mediterranian Diet? I just cannot lose on hi protein anymore. My body revolts by going rogue and not letting me poop which is followed by a painful behind. Sorry for the TMI.  I cant live like that anymore.

I read a book this am about the diet and seems too good to be true. Fruit, veggies, bread.........ok no butter, red meat or cream, but hey its a trade off, I guess. my VSG still works, Im exercising...I should be thinner. I have been stuck at my weight for a year now and I need to dump this last 60 lbs. Any suggestions????

My Celebrate Recovery meeting has been cancelled for tonight because the school is closed due to the cold. We meet in the high school in Bolingbrook. I guess I will be watching my Bulls tonight. Love them Bulls.

Ok my dear ones, Im off to look like I did something today so my husband thinks I am still super woman.







on 1/7/15 10:50 am - Rock City, IL

Good evening Sharon and the rest of Illinois!

I had to drive into Rockford today for my therapy session.  I was hoping she would call it off, but my car was nice and warm, so no problem.

Liv sent me a text that she was so excited that her wet suit arrived.  She bought it with money from Christmas.  She was so excited, she wore it for a couple of hours!  Silly girl.  She is looking forward to going back to South Carolina where the weather is not quite so brutal.  I keep reminding her that we have been very fortunate so far and that this too shall pass. It actually looks like she will be taking the cold back with her. 

Sharon, I looked up Sofrito.  I had never heard of it, let alone made it.  The information I saw suggested that you freeze it in ice trays then put the "cubes" into a zippered freezer bag.  Sounds delish!

I came home and started some laundry.  Todd came home and said that the dryer sounded funny.  The belt broke!  So......-7 degrees and I have to schlep wet laundry 13 miles down the road to the Laundromat to dry.  Hopefully, we can get a new belt tomorrow.

I have heard o the Mediterranian Diet and it sounds logical.  Let me know how it goes.

I did not hear from the job today, I will call them tomorrow.

Everyone have a warm night!



Tell someone that you love them!

crystal M.
on 1/8/15 5:20 am - Joliet, IL

Sharon-  All I can say is that I don't do any special diets.  Well none right now.  I have to get back into the swing of things.  I have a wedding to prepare for.  Anyway...I always took the approach that if it was a healthy carb then it was ok.  I ate plenty of fruit.  Fruit every day for snacks, breakfast.  I did limit breads and pastas.  I didn't do white carbs...potatoes, bread or pasta.  I would do whole grain....and even that was a couple times a week.  I ate beef twice a week...maybe.  But I never cut it out.  I ate a LOT of chicken and turkey...all kinds though...thighs, legs and breast.  I stopped eating processed foods as much as possible.  If I didn't make it or it wasn't grown...I did not eat it.  That meant no cold cuts, no frozen dinners, no canned soups no boxed items (like mac & cheese).  I found recipes for these and made them from scratch.  I do NOT eat at fast food places ever.  It's all chemicals. 

So I guess what worked for me.  I used portion size.  I ate healthfully.  Meaning I bought organic and I cooked my meals.  I really do believe all those extra chemical ingredients no one can pronounce on your contributing to obesity. 

So when I was actively trying to lose weight I would eat almonds and fruit.  Lunch was usually cottage cheese and more fruit or carrots.  If I got hungry I snacked on grapes or something.  Then dinner is whatever I made.  I usually kept my calories low during the day... so I can eat a nice dinner.  They say not to do that (eat big meals at night)...but hey I lost lots of weight doing that.   

I know that's not much of a diet to follow but it's more of a lifestyle. 

I have apps on my phone that I can scan something at the grocery store if I am suspicious...and it will tell you of any harmful ingredients.  Like salad dressing.  Normal salad dressing has harmful food additives.  I always buy organic.  Is my food bill higher...sure but everyone has ways they spend their money.  I choose to spend it on healthier food.  And I don't go out to eat nearly as much as I save there.  

I think journal your food habits see if there are places where you are over eating.  But most times I think people cut too and don't focus on quality.  You are already doing what I think is the #1 thing to do to lose weight....activity!!!  My only suggestion is try building some lean muscle mass.  If you can.  I don't remember if you have any issues that stop you from that.  But remember muscle is your fat burning center.  The more you have the more you burn.  It helps speed up you metabolism so you can eat more and lose or maintain.  And you lose inches rather than just weight.  And PLUS for us helps with bone density. 

Now I have to hop to it and start losing again!!!!  Especially since I only have about 10-20 more to go!!! 



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