Monday Roll Call
Good Morning,
I nned to get ready for work also. Al least this is a really short week, since I am off tomorrow.
I helped at Operation Santa yesterday. We filled 1000 stockings for our boys serving our great country. It is a worth while cause to donate time and money to. Check it out,
Have a load of laundry to switch. Then the morning things to do to make myself presentable.
Hello everyone
I had a busy Saturday and a not so busy Sunday. Gotta love those not so busy days.
We went to Olive Garden yesterday and I couldn't resist having one bread stick. Well I guess my band wasn't happy with that bread because I had a bit of an episode. it was the bread...And as soon as it passed I was fine. But Greg was very concerned and he said I read that sometimes those bands can slip out of place. And I kind of laughed and said oh ya they can but if my band slipped out of place I would have more than one episode and likely wouldn't be able to keep much food down at all. I told him I probably didn't chew the bread well enough or took too big a bite. I rarely eat bread that much. So I should have been more careful. is just a run of the mill Monday. Which is good or bad depending on how you look at it.
Well Back to work....have a good day.