Friday Roll Call
Not so much back as just dropping in. Overwhelmed with too much going on around me. AA is working for staying away from alcohol but is a pain when sugar is always on the table for coffee along with occasional flour and sugar snacks. I do eat too many carbs quite occasionally now but mainly stick to a lot of meat and cheese with veggies added occasionally.
Last night I grilled a one and a half inch thick t-bone, mushrooms and asparagus as well as nuking a bag of winter mix.
I bought butter cookies at the Family dollar and had too many of those. This becomes a pick your battles issue. I am on a downward weight movement though and have lost 20 pounds I think since my last weigh in here. Guess I will see that in a minute.
OK, so yes that is right. While dry though I am not entirely sober in my thoughts and actions and have managed to make at least three people threaten extreme physical violence though so far it has just been a lot of huffing and puffing. Loud and mean huffing and puffing though by folks who think themselves to be bad asses and are big enough to be a problem for me. Seems there is a lot more of that here than I am used to and they all think they are mobsters or gang members.
Hello Randy,
I was so happy to see you started the thread. It's just like the old days. Congrats on losing 20 lbs. The fact that you are so aware of what you are doing and not doing right is a blessing. Most dont have that much prospective. It's a starting point.
WLS is wonderful and terrible. It's wonderful for the obvious reason, but it's terrible because we all find out the demons that we ALL possess dont go away with the weight.
Someone I loved very much fought alcohol addiction. It was the hardest battle I have ever seen anyone wage. He was miserable when he was sober. And hated himself when he went on a binge.
I am in a sugar/carb war that is making me also hate myself after I gorge on M&M's or 10 oreos. The enemy wants us to be frozen or in a self-hate mode. It s his vehicle for controlling us.
I'm so sick of dieting.....I am so scared of getting to be 356 lbs again.
This place is where I can come and be real and brutally honest and that feels good to be able to get it off my chest. I know everyone will support me, listen to me, and care unconditionally about me. It is our safe haven. Randy we are here for you.
Today, is my short day. I was going to work from home, but I think I will go in and then do a little shopping. I have started my Christmas shopping online.
I have a wake and funeral tonight. My girlfriend died of breast cancer at 53. She was my little dynamo and I will miss her.
Jason so glad you are home. Nancy, stay in bed and rest. It is really all you can do. It's funny the only thing I got out of bed for one day was cat litter too. Cat people!
Be well and dry my dear ones,
Good Morning Randy and All,
Randy, it is good to see you. We all have demons, mine is sugar. I can live without breads and potatoes, but put a peice of candy in front of me.......I don't drink any soda or alcohol. That is my choice. I haven't drank either in over 10 years. But I understand people who do. I was a heavy smoker, that was a major demon for me. I think I quit in 2000.
Sharon have a wonderful day.
Connie, You are the nicest person.
Nancy, get yourself well. You can't fight the system if you are down.
Crystal, there is a mag called Mary Jane's Farm. It is all about organic food and growing it. You might like it.
Dawn, you may enjoy it too.
FYI I am going to the info meeting at the Kane Center tomorrow with my cousin. She is very serious about getting a RNY.
I am off to work, we are going out with friends tonight.
Good Morning Randy and All,
Randy, it is good to see you. We all have demons, mine is sugar. I can live without breads and potatoes, but put a peice of candy in front of me.......I don't drink any soda or alcohol. That is my choice. I haven't drank either in over 10 years. But I understand people who do. I was a heavy smoker, that was a major demon for me. I think I quit in 2000.
Sharon have a wonderful day.
Connie, You are the nicest person.
Nancy, get yourself well. You can't fight the system if you are down.
Crystal, there is a mag called Mary Jane's Farm. It is all about organic food and growing it. You might like it.
Dawn, you may enjoy it too.
FYI I am going to the info meeting at the Kane Center tomorrow with my cousin. She is very serious about getting a RNY.
I am off to work, we are going out with friends tonight.
Hello everyone
I went to the Moose Lodge yesterday. It was fun. It turned out it was wing night and that was all they were serving. So I had 6 wings...and I was FULL. But they were very tasty. We stayed and chatted and for awhile. I wonder how much it cost to be a moose member. I should ask Chris. I didn't think to ask last night.
Today I have a list of places I want to go. If I don't hit them all I will have to finish tomorrow. Some of the places is the dollar store here by work...Bed Bath and Beyond, Target, Jewel...I also have to get gas and go to Chipotle. So we will see how many stops I make before I just quit and go home. I have to take my car in for my emissions test too but I think I will do that tomorrow or the week after Thanksgiving. We shall see.
I can't wait for the weekend to start because I am going to start dragging out my Christmas stuff and I am always excited about that!!! Yeah!!!
My food demons are sweets. In particular cookies and cheesecake and Reeses Peanut buttercups. I love them and my band allows me to eat wayyyy to many of them. Thankfully I can say no to pasta and bread with no problem...which by the way I switched over to the gluten free pasta. It's made from rice and seems to be lighter and not as heavy. When I eat it I'm fine. Regular pasta is so heavy to me now.
Well back to work all..have a nice day. Bye
Open RNY May 7
Good morning friends, Kay and I were talking last night about Christmas gifts, trying to decide if we were going to get a big gift this year. I wanted to go to Door County, she wasn't sure. Today we decided what to buy--a new furnace! Ugh! The old one is cracked and has to be replaced. Merry Christmas not! Oh well, at least we hadn't spent the money yet !
I hope your day is going better than mine!
Hi guys! I'm in Anaheim California. Another location I would not want to live in! Traveling makes me appreciate my home and the Midwest so much more. I just realized that I get wifi on site. So I'm at my desk checking in reading past posts and helping customers in between. I have not spoke to Ryan since last Sunday. He texts me every once in awhile, but I don't respond. I communicate with Maddie by calling her cell number. Hope everyone is doing well. I'm coming back on monad and flying out the next Monday for Kansas City.