Wednesday Roll Call
Hello everyone
I went in extra early again. Try to catch up on all my work. I have so much to do and it doesn't help I keep running into problems that make my job harder. I'm not sure what I am doing after work. Chris is at my place right now...he will be fixing my oven. The pilot light light won't turn on. If it's an easy fix he can do it...but if it requires any parts I told him I am calling the maintenance guy. It really is handy to have someone around that can fix things. So if that doesn't work will be dinner out tonight...hahaha!!!
What's on your agenda today???
Oh about relationship problems. I found out yesterday that one of Amanda's aunts kicked her husband out of the house. They have been married for 22 years and have 2 kids. It's so sad. I don't know what's going on....but it seems like there's something in the air. This has got to be 3rd or 4th relationship I know of that is having problems. And it's all the same thing....the women are having trouble with their's so sad. I feel so bad for everyone.
Well back to work...see you all later. Bye
Crystal, I hate playing catch up at work. The times I feel overwhelmed, my anxiety goes through the roof. Thank god I'm not full time or I'd have to up my meds or learn to deal with it. Hope Chris is able to fix the oven. Ovens and appliances are. to made like they used to. Our appliances are going on 10 years are they are all on their last leg!
Today has been kinda of a relax, catch up day for me. I didn't have to work, so when I got Maddie on the bus, I crawled back in bed. Shhhh, I know so many of my friends that wanted to do that. The thing is, when I went back to bed, a got heart burn so bad that I couldn't fall asleep so I got up and started cleaning. I did put chicken and dumpling in the crock pot for dinner. All I have to do is vacuum the down stairs and the house is done. I might start on some crocheted ear/head wraps for Maddie's friends. I made some last year for them, and I'm super surprised to see they all still wear them. They are super easy and I can do them in about an hour.
So what's going on in your life, day? Anyone watch biggest loser last night?
Good afternoon Crystal and the rest of Illinois!
I agree with Kim.....appliance are not made to last as they used to be. I got a new stove and microwave last Christmas to replace the one I got about 10 years previously. The old one had to be repaired at least twice before it gave up completely. Our washer and dryer have been repaired numerous times and I think we have only had them about 5 years. We actually replaced the washer after only 4. Hopefully, your oven is an easy fix.
I am catching up on some computer work and ordering of vitamins that I have been procrastinating. Then down to work on more products for the Open House this weekend.
I received a text this morning from a co-worker at my old job. He was fired this morning (exactly 3 months after me). They actually have been working on getting rid of him almost as long as they were after me. This guy will NOT go quietly. He will air all their dirty laundry, in court if need be. my sister-in-law and the "penis" have free reign since my father-in-law will be heading to Florida. I DO hope they are all happy and can sleep at night for the way they treat others to get their way. God/Karma will take care of it in the end.
Well...I need to get going here.
Everyone have a great day!
Hi everyone,
I'm pretty excited today about the marriage act in IL. Kay and I have been together almost 28 years, much longer than the 18 we were both married and this relationship has been like the best marriage can be for us. So we think we deserve the federal benefits and we are so pleased to be able to officially say we are married. It won't take effect till next June so we have another year of separate taxes we think. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Thanks to all of you who "liked" and commented on FB. We got so much reaction and support, we were thrilled!
Tomorrow we are going to Madison to get a new computer. Mine is 6 or 7 years old and is dying as I watch it. The o on the keyboard doesn't work so I added. A keyboard to the laptop and now that keyboard has a dead L so I go back and forth between keyboards. And now it scrolls continuously without being told to. Almost dead I'd say!
Maybe we'll knit up at Verona at the Sow's Ear--such a fun place!
i hope things are smooth for each of you!
Thanks again for all the messages of support,
hi all. late roll call for me but i wanted to check in. i had two very good days in a row... took a business trip to the LA area and had a great time with clients. the sun was shining the entire time and it just helps my mood so much it's ridiculous. on the trip i had 2 major NSVs that i'd like to share... (1) i had to tighten the seat belt on my flights. outbound and coming home. crazy! and cool! and (2) my surgeon's office challenged me to run in a turkey trot on thanksgiving day. i haven't decided if i will do it or not but this morning at the hotel i proved to myself i could. i jogged 3.1 miles without stopping. didn't burn up any speed records but i just wanted to know that i could keep a pace going and make it through without having to walk. and apparently i can. at least on a treadmill. first tiem for me. i've never gone farther than 2 miles in the past so this was a big deal. yay me.
my one sadness about the last 24 hours while i was away is the marriage equality act.. i stalked that vote in the spring so i could watch it live and when we went out of session without passing it i was devastated. i mean like just beside myself with hurt and anger. i have friends *****ally need to be able to get married for marital benefits standpoint. they've been together over 30 years and one of them is having health issues; the other needs to be able to collect her social security if/when it comes to that. so i was super sad i missed the live vote yesterday, but so beyond happy that it's happened in illinois. my niece is planning on marrying her girlfriend next fall - i'm glad she can do it here at home.
anyway that's my day. i'm looking forward to my mom coming into town to visit tomorrow. it's only been 2 months but it feels like a lifetime. ttys.
Ellen- Just a little tip, if you don't know this already. Running outside is harder on your body than running on a get outside and start training. I also suggest you stay off the sidewalks. Cement is harder on your joints, If possible run on asphalt. Its softer than cement and easier on your joints. Also be careful when running in the's hard on your lungs. I found that out when I went in 28 degrees and coughed for 20 minutes Only other tip...a good sports bra, good shoes, and compression garments are my best friend.
If you already know this stuff..fine. But you sounded like you are new to running. I can't least not outside because my ankles and knees can't handle it anymore.