Wednesdays Roll Call
Happy Hump Day,
I can't believe it has been almost 3 weeks since my revision. Another 10 days and I can start taking my meds without crushing them. I am missing having something to crunch.
We got the gerainiums in the front yard yesterday. You can check out the picture on FB.Of course, they will look better when they fill out a bit.
Can anyone tell me where a good garden center is around Elk Grove Village? I am still looking for a few flowers.
Nothing happening in my world today, except possibly going to dinner tonight. Maybe Mexican, so I can get refried beans.
What is happening in your world?
Good Morning Everyone!
Lisa, you sound like you are all set in the gardening department. That is great! I also cannot believe it has been 3 weeks since your surgery. Missing the crunch is how I became addicted to sugar free popcicles. I still love them! I should have stock in the company.
I am not a happy camper today. I had arranged to bundle a TV, internet and phone deal through ATT last week and receive a great price. I had called with a competing offer through Comcast and they matched/beat Comcast's price. Well yesterday, they came and installed the phone and internet but not the TV and now they refuse to honor the TV price. They state that the rep misinformed me. And I am being left in the dark with no TV. It is not my fault that THEY made the mistake, but I am having to pay. I haven't decided what I am going to do now. I love it when companies reneg on deals and then tell the customer "so sad, too bad" Yeah, right!
So that is my saga for today.
Everyone have a great day!
Cat Lady
Well I am being very down on myself since that guy didn't call and I know I shouldn't but I guess it's my natural inclination. So my friend made me look at pictures if myself because I kept saying he didn't call because I am fat or not pretty. I know it takes awhile for your brain to catch up to the fact you lost weight when you look in the mirror but will I always feel like the "fat girl"??? I know I have issues with this stuff. I think it comes from my childhood my dad used to tell me how ugly I was all of the time and even though I was a very skinny kid he would tell me I was a fatso. So I grew up always thinking I was fat and ugly. And always trying to make myself prettier and never thinking I am.
Yesterday me and my friend went to the kickboxing class and it wipes me out. He has us do a pre workout with weights and goodness I have no upper body strength!!!!
Today after work it's groceries at 2 different stores and then Walgreens to pick up my Rx. Then home for a workout and dinner. That's it for me.
Well time for me to work now. See ya laters....bye
Good morning Lisa and the rest of Illinois!
I can't believe it has been 3 weeks already. You go, girl! Refried beans sounds pretty good to me too!
Crystal! You are very pretty! Thin too! Maybe he is very busy. If not, like my great gram always said, "men are like buses......there's always another coming in a short while."
After work, home for pizza and awards night for Olivia. She is being inducted into the National Honor Society tonight. I am excited for her.
That's about it for me today.
Everyone have a lovely day!