Friday Roll Call

Lisa Tucker
on 3/21/13 9:28 pm, edited 3/21/13 9:39 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13

Good Morning,

The good news is I got all of my clearances. The bad news is, there isn't any.angry

A really long day yesterday, We were in Elk Grove Village before 8. We left the house at 5:30.  I am getting to old for things like that! By the time we got home, it was after 6. We did stop and had dinner with my daughter Annette.

Today, I am getting my nails done, my eye brows done, and lunch with both, Annette and Monica.Morgan too.

I can't believe we leave in just over 51 hours for Vegas.  It seemed it was so far away, and now it is here.

I am hoping to have a revision date by the time I get back.


Have a great day,






crystal M.
on 3/21/13 9:35 pm - Joliet, IL

Hello everyone

Yeah it's Friday!!!!

I heard this time last year it was 85 degrees and that just made me sad...oh how far we have fallen...

I had to teach someone about almonds yesterday. They always see me almonds ad fruit for breakfast and they thought almonds are bad. And I had to explain, eaten in moderation almonds are very good for you. People see fat content and right away think that it's bad. I had to explain that some fat is good for you in moderation. That almonds help lower your cholesterol not increase it!!! Not to mention they aid in metabolism too. People really need to educate themselves a little more about food in general. I see and hear people giving people advice that is so backward and upside down. But I just mind my own business.

Yesterday was a very boring and slow day at work...compared to the other days. But really I hate slow days. I kind of like the busy craziness...when it happens. It makes my day go by fast. I also feed off that adrenaline when I have a deadline and have a million things to get done. I just don't like it when there's down time. I get bored easily. And then I start doing goofy things and get into trouble (I'm still like a kid that way)...hahaha!!!

Today I have to do groceries and go to Target...I might go to Goodwill. It's been awhile since I went to Goodwill and I do have to start worrying about Summer clothes. Then Chipotle of course...what else would I eat. But all this could change because I might have plans to go out with friends. So we shall see. What are you doing today??

Welll I need to get going now...have a wonderful Friday...see ya later Bye

on 3/21/13 10:46 pm - Schaumburg, IL

I think I will stay in the house today.

Schedule a CT for next week and reconstructing my abdominal wall on April 25 and the prospect of going through recovery is a bit daunting.

I have a long day tomorrow and want to try and get my notebook set up with the right packages for it today.


So you have been forgiven?

Nancy G.
on 3/22/13 1:26 am - La Salle, IL

Morning Everyone!

It is Friday!    Today Fluffer is getting his lion cut. He was not too happy to be put in a carrier.  I cannot wait to see the finished results!  He will look so different.  I wonder if he will speak to us?   Since he is my beggar of treats, he will have to break down first.  I hold the treats after all.    The others all wondered what was going on.  

I am really looking forward to the weekend.  I really can use the break.  People are starting to get to me this week.  It is not even the full moon until next Wednesday so I am blaming it on the equinox.  They are being just as wierd and nasty.  My patience is at a very fine line right now.  

Lisa, I am so excited for you!  Both for your triip and your revision.  Such exciting times.  

Everyone have a great day!  


    Cat Lady

Janet H.
on 3/22/13 2:48 am - Golden Valley, AZ

Good morning 

I have had a busy two days, yesterday I had another interview, this place also works with people that are special needs,

the interview if feel went very well, the lady was now to earth, as I am, not that stuffy kind like the last one,.

My only concern is that  the clients  do have some behaviors and can be a challenge, I am not sure that I could restrain them if needed to keep them safe.

I guess I will cross that bridge when it get here, for not just wait for the call.

Today picked up a few thing at the store, started a pot of beef stew, cleaning house, then who knows,

Lisa, that is great news, have fun on your trip, I love to travel.

Nancy, bet your kitty will hate you for a little while, until he get used to his new hair do. send pic of him, bet he is cute.

Crystal, have a great day, enjoy you day with your friends,

Everyone have a super good day, and keep dancing for mother nature to please give us warmer weather.

We got the sun so that is a start.

I am out of here, need to do some  cleaning.

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



on 3/22/13 5:50 am - Rock City, IL

Good afternoon Lisa and the rest of Illinios!

YIPPEE for you Lisa!  So glad you are cleared.  Have a great time in Vegas and bring some warmth home.  Congrats to Annette and Rick!

I am excited about the ROAD TRIP!  Todd wants to leave at 5:00 am tomorrow.  We are hoping to stop by Pittsburg to see a cousin.  She is talking about taking us to Primanti Brothers.  Famous place for HUGE sandwiches.  Liv and I will probably split one.

We are also hoping to visit with Liv's friend from right outside NYC and finally meet her parents.  Then, on to Rhode Island!

I will be thinking about you all and will try to check in if possible.  I have Facebook on the phone, so we will see how that works!

Everyone stay safe, and I will try to bring some warmth home too!


Tell someone that you love them!

birder I.
on 3/22/13 10:09 am - Rockford, IL

Hello friends,

We are home from Arkansas where we almost froze to death. We took polartec jackets because it was supposed to be warm. We had one day of sort of warm and all the rest were in the 40's. We have never been so cold! I feel like I'll never be warm again! The flowers were in bloom, tulips, daffodils, Bradford pear trees, and magnolias so we enjoyed that but... My granddaughter lives in a town that is on the border of Arkansas and Louisiana. We had a tour of the town (it took five minutes) but we were in Louisiana BRIEFLY. We got to watch her softball practice which was fun. She has a lot of skills for an 11 year old. Then we took her to Little Rock and told her we had to pick up a package at the airport. The "package" was her dad who she hadn't seen in two years. Neither knew the other was going to be there. It was so cool. We were all in tears. Then we went to Daniel's new apartment and cleaned it and helped him get settled. The movers brought his stuff on Thursday so we hung up clothes and got the kitchen set up. He only has a small table and chairs and an air bed so it will take time to get to normal, but he plans to stay there until his daughter is out of high school. We had such fun shopping for him and with him. We also taught our granddaughter to knit (of course) and took her  to a real yarn store. We had lots of fried Okra and southern greens but we're happy to get home to our regular food. The other thing we noticed was that southern women talk more than we are used to. The checkout clerks  talked nonstop even when we didn't respond. I just want some silence! So I'm going to go sit in my chair and be quiet for the rest of the evening!



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