What are you eating today???
Hello all...I think checking in here has made me stick to my menu more than ever. I am doing better than I have in a long time. Yesterday I did have 3 jolly ranchers though...but not a big deal. I always leave a 100-200 calorie buffer for stuff like that in my day.
Breakfast- 1/2 banana and 14 almonds.
Lunch- 1/2 cup cottage cheese and 6 strawberries
Dinner- Chipotle!!! Yummy!!!
Snack- fruit smoothie (with fruit and veggies...super yummy) I'm tryng a new smoothie recipe. There is just so much on pinterest. I love pinterest.
well you can partake...they are only 3 for 50 calories. so you can have one....My favorite is the watermelon or green apple.
There is candy all over the place at work (I never worked at a place that feeds you like they do). Aside from the assorted choolate...like kit kats, hersheys, reeses, 3 musketeers, snickers...and so on. There is also starburst, now & laters, laffy taffy, assorted gum, werthers, jolly ranchers, blow pops, tootsie rolls....and in the lunch room they have single serving bags/packages of fritos, cheetos, gargettos, animal crackers, cheese its, goldfish,lorna doone cookies, ritz crackers, wheat thins, pringles, special K breakfast things, granola bars, peanuts, famous amos cookies, Oreos, soup in a cup, crackers with cheese....and this is just stuff I can remember off the top of my head...I know there are things I am forgetting. they have so much free food laying around it;s scary. So when I choose to have something I always go for something small and something that won't trigger my urge to pig out....so that usually is a jolly rancher or starburst. Those are safe. I could never take anything like chocolate or cookies...if I take it once I will take it again and again...and I'm afraid I won't stop. And the fact that I can name many so of the snacks by memory shows you that I have stood there many times and stared at them and wanted to pig out...but turned and walked away!!!!
And really as long as I am busy I am fine and I'm not tempted. It's when I have down time that I get antsy for some snacks.
I just tried this one tonight. I added the spinach to the recipe. I decided that I can take any smoothie recipe and add veggies to it. So this one had my favorite stuff in it. It was good...and since I used greek yogurt and peanut butter it was full of protein!!! I also left out the honey...I hate honey
Here's another website that has some smoothie recipes. I'm not sure I believe their hype about what they say their smoothies are for...I just like it for ideas.
Breakfast- Chocolate protein shake
Lunch- Nut crackers with meat and cheese,. sugar free pudding, 6 cherry tomatoes
Dinner- large spinach salad with hot bacon dressing
snacks protein bar and popcorn.