Hump Day, Wednesday, Roll Call

Lisa Tucker
on 2/5/13 8:21 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13

Good Morning,

We had a freaky snow shower yesterday. Probaly 1/2 inch in a matter of minutes. You couldn't see the the street, then it stopped! I don't think any is called for today.

Yesterday at work, I was busy all morning, then the afternoon had only 1 person.

Nothing except work today, what is on your agenda?

Seeing the Jeff Dunham show on Saturday, in Peoria.  Getting excited about that.



crystal M.
on 2/5/13 8:30 pm - Joliet, IL

Hello everyone

None for today...but later tonight into tomorrow they are calling for rain/ice mix...yuck!!!  So tomorrow's commute will be bad.  Well not mine..I'm only a mile away.

Even though I started medicine I feel like I got worse (my nose is stuffier and I feel more tired and run down). Maybe the medicine will make you feel worse before you get better. Funny thing I just want to eat and eat. I had such an appetite yesterday...but the only extra food I allowed myself was a tortilla. I don't know if I will be as strong today...

Work is busy because auditors are being a pain in my butt. I have a ton of paperwork to pull. Basically they give me a list (a huge list) of invoices and I have to pull the check that paid that invoice, the bank statement the check appeared on, then our check register, and cash receipt report...I have to pull all of this paperwork for one paid invoice!!! Thankfully it's only for items from the last 6 months now. So every thing is organized (the last girl had it all messed up!!!) and I don't have everything stapled together the way she did...that drove me nuts!!! I just hate pulling files and's kind of boring.

I did workout yesterday with no problems. I am just taking each day at a time and see how I feel when the time comes to workout. I know I was pretty pooped out last night and went to bed at 9pm...and actually went to sleep (no reading). So I will see how I feel tonight. Today is work, and maybe working out. So what do you guys have going today???

Well time to get going...have a good day...see ya later...bye


on 2/5/13 9:52 pm - Brookfield, IL
VSG on 04/16/12

Chickie Girl,

I hope you feel better. Your body is fighting the infection and that causes fatigue. Then your body has to figure out what you are taking and work with that as well, It takes a couple days for our bodies to realize the foreign invader (antibiotics) is supposed to be there and then it can begin to work. There is a lot going on inside you right now and the fact that you can even get up out of bed and go into work is a big accomplishment. Listen to your body and if you are too fatigued, take more rest. If you are hungry it is because your body is hungry from fighting all the germs. Eat some soup. It's light and it's good for you. If you can, stop at some greek restaurant and get a big order of chicken soup. It helps. 

Hopefully by the weekend you will be your old self....feisty.






on 2/5/13 9:43 pm - Brookfield, IL
VSG on 04/16/12

Hi Y'all,

Did you ever have one of those days where you plan meticulously and then wham, something happens and nothing goes according to plan? That was my yesterday. 

I did clean a bit and then i got a call that my father in law was in the hospital, so I canceled my personal trainer appointment and met Grathell at Christ Hospital. Thankfully, it was a simple matter. he needs to have the mechanism for which he gets his dialysis removed from his arm and then replaced in his chest. They kept him overnight and he is having the procedure today. Grathell and my mother-in law will be there with him. 

Yesterday, I did not work out, but I am hyper-focused on my diet because of the FITBIT and according to my scale I lost 3 lbs already. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know journaling is the key to weight loss, but my inner child is a brat and doesn't want to do it. The FITBIT is keeping me in check. 

I went to house=group and we are reading a book called, "The Pursuit of God" by A W Tozer. The author's life is fascinating. 

We had a little snow shower as well and it looked so white and beautiful. I went for a long walk yesterday and I realized I really love winter and wouldn't want to live where it is warm all the time. I probably will not be as enthused in 20 years when I am in my 70's. I am celebrating my mid-life status. It's weird to say that in 20 years I will be 75. LOL. So far every decade has been better than the last. If the 60's are better than the 50's and the 70's are better than the 60's.....Yowie! 

Today, I am working out and going to Walmart. I have to buy my ingredients to make my clothes detergent and softener. I do not use any chemicals in my house. Haven't for years.  It always amazes me what peroxide, baking soda, essential oils  and vinegar can accomplish. I am going to try a new frontier and make my own laundry detergent.. This will be my first time. Last night I emulsified the Fels Nefta soap in my food processor and now I have to get the washing soda and a few other things to mix with it. Funny, I have never used my food processor for food yet.  HAHAHAHAHHA.

Well, chicks, I am off to enjoy this day.






crystal M.
on 2/6/13 11:20 am, edited 2/6/13 11:21 am - Joliet, IL

Sharon- It's funny that you make your own cleaning products because I am slowly moving in that direction.  I started a year ago.  The problem is that I am a person that stocks up a lot.  So I have to use up the cleaning products I already bought.  And I still have some that I bought over a year ago!!!  So as I am using chemical crap I am not rebuying any new cleaning products.  This is really hard for me too.  I never realized how compulsively my need to stock up is...but I like to have a lot of non=perishable things on hand.  I do the same thing with canned food. 

But I have my supplies ready to go when the time is right to start making my products.  I even have a couple of books on the subject...but I bought those before I discovered Pinterest...there are some good "recipes" there. 

I am going to once and for all get my Fitbit out!!!  It's been packed away since I moved while I am thinking about it...I am going to go get it.  I just hope it's where I think it is!!!  If not then I will have to make that a Saturday project...find the Fitbit!!!

Nancy G.
on 2/5/13 11:39 pm - La Salle, IL

Good Morning Everyone!

Well, my time off is winding down and I will miss it.  I bought a new printer on Monday and spent yesterday getting it hooked up.  That always seems to be a project as you have to make the new technology talk to the old technology.  And it did not want to cooperate.  It is not working.  This morning, I started attacking some clutter.  I am taking a break now.  

I need  to pay some bills and maybe run some errands.  We shall see what today brings.  Tomorrow it is back to work.  I woke up early this morning and did not allow myself to sleep in in prep for tomorrow.  

Crystal, take care of yourself.  Listen to your body.

Connie, welcome home.  

Lisa, I missed the snow storm yesterday.  

Sharon, you go girl with that fit bit.  I just wish I could control the brat that resides inside me. 

Everyone have a great day! 


    Cat Lady

on 2/6/13 1:26 am - Rock City, IL

Good morning all!

I have missed you all.  I have not had a chance to read everything since Friday, but I wanted to stop in quick so you know I am still alive.

I got a stomach bug (or food poisoning) on Saturday and actually missed most of Todd's party.  I spent most of my time in the hotel bed wanting to die.  I just can't seem to catch a break this winter.

We got about 8 inches of snow so far and tonight we are supposed to get more.  Then, a warm up so it can rain on Saturday.

Gotta get back to work, but just want you all to know I am thinking of you!


Tell someone that you love them!

on 2/6/13 1:26 am - Rock City, IL

Oh....and I have never laughed as hard as I did the times we saw Jeff Dunham!



Tell someone that you love them!

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