Thursday Roll Call
Good morning!
yesterday we had a luncheon and a dinner to go to at different friends. By the end of the day I didn't feel good. Too much food. I tried to pace myself and make good choices, but I ate more than usual and was quite uncomfortable. well, that's how you learn. this is the first time in a year that I've become uncomfortable after eating so that's pretty OK. Today will be an extremely moderate day.
I put up my beginning of an Icelandic sweater on yesterday's post after Nancy asked what I was knitting. Hope to get to it this afternoon. I have some errands to run this AM. We are having company Saturday so I have some things to do today, but we are mostly ready.
I got some long underwear from Land's End and have had a couple of warmer days. I think I will be wearing these all winter. When they are in the washing machine I feel like Linus with his blanket waiting for the wash to be done so I can put them back on! You know the Peanuts cartoon brings laughs long after Chas Schultz is gone!
Have a good day!
Good Morning Everyone!
Another sunny day in store for us! Today I have work and a dentist appointment.
Last night all hell broke out as I found out the phone did not work and I spent 4 hours on the phone (most of the time on hold) trying to deal with it and it still is not resolved. Just what I want to do after spending 8 hours at work on the phone. I am so ready to fire my phone company!
Needless to say I did not get my gifts ready for mailing. I have to do that tonight.
Chris Have fun at the Kriskindle market. I hope your day goes better today. I am glad the healing is going well.
Lisa, you can use your blackstrap molasses the cookies will just have a stronger molasses flavor and be darker in color. I hope you dont have to work tomorrow.
Randy, I am sure you are off somewhere today volunteering.
Crystal, I read tha****ching horror movies is the same as walking for a half hour. That is why you are getting so skinny -- all those horror books and movies.
Sharon, what are you up to today?
Connie, your knitting is amazing. You do such beautiful work!
Dawn, I am so happy you are enjoying the airport job.
Karen, I hope things are still going better for you health wise.
Everyone have a great day!
Cat Lady
The Christkindle Market was not so busy tonight. Talked with some ladies from Normal (they said it was in "southern IL") and had a great time passing the time.
Have you bundled your phone service with your internet and cable? We will not do that if we can help it. We have (knock on wood) EVER had any problems with ATT (local/long distance)
Open RNY May 7
Good almost afternoon! A quickie here. I have so much to get done and so little time.
I am still feeling better. I did have a little issue yesterday because I was in a hurry and drank my buttermilk too fast. This gave me some pain in the upper side but I have to keep telling my self, you have to follow the rules, you do not want to end up losing your band...I tend to ignore myself!
Tonight is my grand daughters school pageant, she told me this morning she will be beautiful tonight. She is so full of her self. Being 5 you can be.
I have to get going or I will be late for the bus at 3.