Saturday Roll Call
Good Morning,
I am not a happy camper this morning.Hubie set his alarm, by misstake, and it was going off at 4:30. Then, at 5. my idiot cousin calls, he "knows ", we get up early, and he just wanted to say hi.
Needless to say, we weren't to receptive.
No big plans for today. I need to get some groceries, run to the cleaners, and stop at Walgreens.Maybe, if I am nice to DH, he will put the outside decorations up. We wont turn them on until Thanksgiving weekend, but the weather is going to be "warmer" today/
Whats in your plan for today?
Morning, I do not have many plans today either, TEEHEE. It is a wait and see. I still cannot go on my own and they had to put another Foley back in. I have been disconnected from the IV and have "graduated" to Dave being able to walk with me. They let me sleep all the way through the night but that kind of backfired on me because at 0515 I awoke in bad pain. I decided to try and sleep again, which I did for an hour and called for the pain med. I cannot believe how fast it works - in 10 minutes it is working. I think that it has something to do with it being a liquid.
I got to order my own dinner last night - liquids but the broth was really good, enjoyed the milk and never got to the Boast. It is still on my night table unopened.
Well, doc is due in somewhere around 8ish and I will know more then. My goal is to get a shower somewhere around 9ish and we will go from there.
I was advanced to stage 3 diet and may get to go home today if the bodily functions start working correctly. I am on oral pain meds. So that means that the morphine should be out of my system and the bladder should wake up. Now, the bowels are a different story. I have to stay close to the room/potty. I have been cleared to walk around by myself.
Open RNY May 7
You are sounding good. Maybe today, maybe tpmorrow, whenever they allow you to leave, take it easy.
Hello everyone
I was busy, busy yesterday all day. It was one of those days where I had something to do from the time I woke up till I went to bed.
Good news...I lost 3 more lbs!!! Yeah me!!! Bad news...I seem to have a rash on my neck?
Today I have to clean, run errands, workout, get things ready for my party, get myself ready and then party....not necessarily in that order.
I am starting to get a lot more pressure from my friends to get out and start dating. I'm not sure why all of the sudden. But now my friend Monica wants to make a "project" of getting me on My other friend of course is determined to get me hooked up with hot guy. I have yet another friend that wants to start go places hanging out so I can meet guys...and I just don't understand this group effort...are they talking to each other??? Am I sending out this "I'm desperate" vibe? Or is it because I lost enough weight I'm more "marketable"...hahaha....there I go being negative. Other than obsessing over hot guy I don't think I ever gave the impression I was dying to have a boyfriend. Don't get me would be nice...but this is nuts.
Nancy- OMG!!! That stupid grammar program would drive me crazy. I mean some people could really use it and a program like that could help people with some atrocious grammar issues. But to nit-pick over "is this...instead I speaking with" is just plain nonsense.
Sharon- I'm sorry for the sadness you feel for the loss of your mom...just remember the good memories you have. My mom passed away almost 4 years ago. I was very upset obviously but not because we were so close. I loved her because she was my mom. My mom had very bad issues with drugs and alcohol and growing up with her was not pleasant. We didn't have a typical mom-daughter relationship. She did over come most of her addictions and we were working on rebuilding our relationship. When she died I mourned the loss of what could have been...not of what I had. So I guess I don't feel that same emptiness and sadness that everyone else feels when they lose their moms. In a way I'm envious of that.
Christine- you get to go home today??? if so...Yeah!!!
Lisa- You have been very lucky in the husband department. Although, his messes would drive me up a wall!!!!
Well I am going to make me some breakfast and get off my butt and start my day.
Have a good day everyone...bye!!!
Crystal, I know I sometimes complain about Hubert, but really, he is not only my husband, but my best friend.
I do understand your friends. They don't want you to be alone.