Saturday Roll Call

Lisa Tucker
on 9/22/12 3:45 am - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13

I think all of us are off work on the weekends, so what are your plans for the 4th Saturday of September? BTW, there are 5 full weekends this month. 

For me, I hope to get the new closet filled as much as possible. When Hubby starts a project, the whole house becomes a mess. I think the living room and office are the only 2 rooms he didn't clutter up with stuff 

Tomorrow we are meeting some of Huberts cousins for lunch/brunch/early dinner, my kids will be joining us too. We are going to Hanks, a great place in Ottawa. In the last 7 days, including tomorrow, I will of been in Ottawa at least 5 times.

Dawn, I don't think you are a bad Mom for not attending football games.

Kevin, have the leaves started changing in the Door?

Christine, how are your health issues going?

Sharon,  you are so motivated!!!!! 

Have a great day,


on 9/22/12 3:58 am - Schaumburg, IL
 Cool Saturday.

Took the final and got 27 out of 30.  So now I know I can still learn at a certain level and with time constraints.  Forward now in the world of the Pythonesque.

Would like to empty the storage unit this weekend but am not looking forward to it.

Bought a good supply of meat and fish from a market that reopened on Pulaski.  Mostly things I like to make soup with.  Shanks, neck bones, soup bones, leg quarters, talapia, pork chops.

What is the rest of Illinois up to today.


So you have been forgiven?

crystal M.
on 9/22/12 4:45 am - Joliet, IL
Hello everyone

Well I had bit of a scare yesterday that just about unhinged me.  I called my doctor to get the results of my culture because the new prescription wasn't working (yep that's right antibiotic #3 isn't working).  So I called early and didn't hear nothing till the end of the day.  The nurse called me and said my cultures just came back and they were negative!!!!  And I said what does that mean...and she said that it meant no bacteria!!!  So I said than why have I been having all this pain and pressure and frequent urination.  She told me to hold so she can talk to the doctor.  When she came back on line she told me he said to go to the ER!!!  That was it...I called my friend almost in tears.  My imagination was going wild!!!  Why would I be in so my pain.  I was thinking cancer or female issues and I would need a have no idea the terrible things that were going through my mind.  But when you feel the pain and the pressure I have been feeling you just let your mind go crazy....Well long story short after 4 hours at the ER and an ultra sound, blood test and urine test it turns out I DO have a UTI.  The doctor said that false negatives or positives happen all of the time and it's not my doctor's fault.  But he said that considering I'm on heavy duty antibiotics my white blood cell counts are at 26 when it should be 0!!!!  He referred me to a urologist because there's no reason why I should be having such a problem.  So at least I will be seeing a urologist now.  He also gave me antibiotic #4 and a painkiller so I can sleep at night.  So there is my ordeal...all over a stupid UTI!!!!! 

Today I am supposed to get my eyeballs checked.  Then I am going to Chipotle.  Then I am planning on staying home and washing my bedding (because of the pink eye).  That's it.  It's funny that stupid things like pink eye and a UTI are giving me trouble...these are usually minor problems.  

Oh I do have some good news.  I guess having a UTI and working out a little has done me good because I lost 7 lbs!!!!  Yeah me!!!  

Back to enjoying my weekend...yeah!!!!  Have a wonderful day.  Bye. 
Lisa Tucker
on 9/22/12 5:33 am - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Crystal,  I really do feel for you, but then, this to will past........eventually.
Congrats on the 7 lb loss.

on 9/21/12 10:35 pm, edited 9/21/12 10:37 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
Surgery is still scheduled for Nov 7 and LWB has sent in the the need for medical necessity paperwork to pre-cert me with BCBS. They need to do that because I will be inpatient for a few days. I am watching my diet like crazy until then so I do not end up with another obstruction and am in need of emergency surgery.

I go to the hematologist on Monday at 1030 and am confident that they will figure out the blood clotting disorder if I have or do not have one real quick. This doc is part of the oncology and hematology center at ABMC. A real nice thing is that my boss is letting me just make up time when I need it by coming in early or making up time on a weekend as long as it is in the same pay period. So, I am going in at 5am and then will stay after I get back or come in early on Tuesday because the other girl will not be there. My pre-op appointment is for Oct 24. LWB would not have scheduled the pre-op if they thought the hematologist would not be able to find out what is going on or not going on with my blood. I am certain that at the appointment on Monday the vampire will suck at least 7 vials of blood out of me.

Serving food to the choir, stage team and production team this afternoon and then we have a party in Streamwood afterwards. It is called an Empty Nest Party. They are celebrating that their kids have flown the coop.

In the meantime I have a haircut to give, make the cheese spread to take with and try to stay off of my feet as much as I can because I will be on them the whole time at the Creek. Concrete floors and my feet do not get along. I have 2 more necklaces to finish off. I got 6 necklaces of various styles out of the beads I bought last week. My hummers are still here also and I enjoy watching for them while beading.

Crystal, hope your UTI at least abates with the new drug so you are some what comfortable before you see the urologist.

Randy, you keep talking Greek to me with the different studies you are doing on line.

Nancy, enjoy Gage.

Sharon, what you are doing I did in the early part of the year in the basement. It is liberating.

Dawn, sorry about Liv's continuing ear issue. She is a real trooper.

Kevin & Steven enjoy your weekend.

Open RNY May 7


on 9/22/12 3:14 am, edited 9/22/12 3:24 am - Brookfield, IL
VSG on 04/16/12
Gorgeous Happy Saturday!

I love the weekends because my hubster is home.

Lisa, your hubby and my hubby sound like the same guy. When he has a project my entire house is upside down. Enjoy Ottawa for the 5th time. How are the fall colors there?

Crystal, I am so sorry you are going thru this. You sound like a text-book case of the UTI issues women are having these days. I am praying God heals you and you are brand new soon. Get some rest.

Randy, Congrats on passing that test. Shanks! yum, great for soup.

Dawn, moms need down time too. Good for you, for identifying you needed the rest and took it. It's hard to take the me time when you are a mom. You are a great mom.

Christine, You are one busy lady! I love the empty nesters party. I wish I would have had one to go to when my daughter, Katie left to go to college. I was a wet noodle for weeks crying like a little baby.

I'm off to have lunch with my beautiful hubby and a ride to look at colors.

I'm excited about church this evening. We start the 31 weeks of bible study.






on 9/23/12 6:23 am - Schaumburg, IL
Will you be watching Randy's teaching or is one of your local teachesr gonna go through it? 


So you have been forgiven?

on 9/24/12 5:50 am - Brookfield, IL
VSG on 04/16/12
 It is a through our church. And it's awesome. Sharon




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