Thursday Roll Call
I am staying in town today, so I can wait until after 7 to go to work. It sounds like everyone is staying busy. Even Connie in her retirement, :)
I am ready for it to cool off abit. Summer 2012 can leave whenever it is ready.
No plans for this weekend. Not even sure what I want for dinner tonight.
Have a great day,
Hugs, LISA
Hi folks!
We went to Vito's for dinner again. It was great! Then just a quiet evening at home. Today we go to the lawyer to update wills. Should have done it last year before I got sick but it's one of those things we put off. Now's the time to get it done!
Probably start on Christmas knitting today.
Have a good day!
It is a short week for me. Today is my Friday. Next week I go back to a 5 day work week.
Today is a short day in the office. This afternoon I go for another spinal shot. The last one worked for about a week so maybe this one will provide longer relief.
I am looking forward to the cooler weather. No special plans for the weekend either.
Everyone have a great day!
Cat Lady
I was wrong. Too many cleaning supplies needed. Made the trip to try an d beat the heat but it got warm quick this morning.
Good afternoon Lisa and the rest of Illinois!
I am leaving work shortly to go home and have dinner with Miss Riley. So fun! Her mom said that "she is NOT a morning person" but we did not have any issues this morning. Of course, most children are better behaved for anyone but their parents.......
So....home to hang with my favoritve 6 year old.......what could be better?
Everyone have a wonderful evening!
Just saw that Drew Peterson is guilty. Glad justice prevailed.
Been busy doing chores. Ran to Home Goods because I am trying to get more organized and bought a bunch of those OXO button closing canisters. They seem to work the best at storing cereal and dry foods. Reorganized my pantry yesterday and needed some. Home Goods prices were 1/2 of Kohl's sale prices.
Making salmon patties for dinner tonite.
Have a great rest of today~~~~