Monday Roll Call
I hope that everyone had a nice weekend. Things with me are good. I have a question for
everyone I have been dating a wonderful women from work. My questions is she thinks we
should keep it secretive from people from work. I don't understand why she wants to keep
everything so secretive from people. I don't believe in secrets I am not ashamed of her.
Well back to least I am now only 1.5 miles more long commutes.
I don't have any plans today...just relaxing after work. I also have some chicken in the crock pot.
Steven- To answer your question...I guess I would want to wait until things were serious before I disclosed any relationship to coworkers. The reason for me would be...if things didn't work out every one would know and it would be embarrassing.
I have to finish getting ready so have a good day everyone. See ya later...bye
Steven, what is the policy on dating co-workers? I also would keep it quiet for a while.
Crystal, you deserve to relax after work. You put in a hard weekend.
Dawn, I hope you had a fantastic time with Amber. I know I ♥ spending individual time with both of mine.
I did accomplish everything on my todo list yesterday. I have a few things for today to do also,
Sharon, I can't get into a steady workout time either. But, I know it is my age and general health,
FYI, I am 66.
I hope the clouds go away, even if we do need rain.
It is a rainy Monday morning here. I am not complaining as we can use the rain. Just not a fun way to start the week.
Nothing special planned today. I paid a couple of bills before work and one of them was a real puzzle. It was for a doctor visit and they did not have their address anywhere on the statement. They are in Peoria so I cant look them up in the phone book. You would think they would have their address on the bill especailly when they enclose a window envelope to return the money.
Tomorrow I finally get to see my doctor. Wednesday, I get an injection for pain in my back. I hope it works. Other than that, the same old thing all week.
Crystal, enjoy your SHORT commute.
Steven, congratulations on finding a special sweetie. There are so many people who frown on workplace romances so that is probably why she want to keep it silent. Work and personal life have distinct boundaries. IT is nothing that either of you are ashamed of but as Crystal says, if it doesnt work out, it can be awfully awkward later, especially if everyone knows that the two of you were involved in a relationship. So wait until it gets serious before announcing it.
Everyone have a great day. .
Cat Lady
Rain!!!!!! I am so happy. You are so right Nancy, it isn't fun to wake up to rain on a Monday morning, but I am positively giddy to see it.
Steve, I understand your honey's decision. I once dated a gent I worked with and we kept it quiet until we were sure we were serious. As soon as people found out we were dating, management fired the guy. There was no official policy on employees' dating, but management wasn't on board with it and hence the termination. In IL employers do not have to give a reason for termination. I'd check the policy and stay united with your partner's decision. This is going to be a test of your relationship. Good luck. I hope it works out for you both.
Lisa, I have to push myself every time I work out, for me, it is like going to the dentist.......
Woke up this am with a little bit of stiffness in my hands. I do not know if it is the rain or the tiny ice cream cone I ate yesterday. i rarely eat sugar and wonder which if either it is?
My only plan today is getting back on the work-out schedule and cleaning the house. No fun for me.
Everyone, have a lovely Rainy Monday!
Good morning!
I cleaned up the kitchen this morning and did some trash around the house. I also need to check on some glasses at No IL Optical this morning. I was thrilled to hear the rain. Hope it keeps up.
Now that the Olympics are over I may get enough sleep. But I really enjoyed the Olympics. Now back to crime TV shows! LOL
I agree with everyone on the work issue. I dated someone at work many years ago and it became really sticky. He didn't like the job and when he quit I started to not like the place either and that was colored by his opinions, not mine. It was my last flaming codependent relationship! Learned a lot in a really hard way!
Have a good day!
I have been lurking for ages and will try and post weekly. It is a start as I cannot promise daily. I am working from home today as my knee is quite still and sore today. I return to therapy on Wednesday. I hope that will help.
Steven- I am in agreement with everyone so far. Please respect your S/O's wishes on keeping your relationship to yourselves for now. You said she is a co-worker, correct? Are you both in the same reporting chain? Can either of you influence the others opportunities for a raise, bonus or promotion? If not, there should be no company issue with you dating, but check your company policy as many do not want people in relationships in the same work-group. In my company, two co-workers that got married had to have one of them either transfer departments or leave the company.
As for co-workers, the busy-bodies may have already picked up on the vibes between you, though you have no requirement to tell them anything. Folks will either be happy for you or not, and you will be able to tell those who are just into everyone else's business. But keep your wonderful person happy and respect her wishes.
It is raining in Chicago and I hope all over for our farmers and their crops. It is absolutely devastating to see what the drought has done in Illinois and Wisconsin. Chicago had no watering ban, but I wish they had, just to show solidarity with the rest of the state.
Everyone have a wonderful week!
Everything is going well. No complications and I haven't even thrown up once. I am very happy with everything so far. I just wish I could tell a difference in my weight when I look in the mirror. I have had others say they notice it. I just don't. I think this is natural. I didn't notice my weight going up, so why should I notice it going down, right?