Thursday Morning Roll Call
Not much going on in this neck of the woods. Hoping to go for a bike ride with Chloe tonight. I have had a flat tire and took it to the shop to get it fixed. I now have it back. It will depend on how hot it is when I get home. Maybe 7 pm or so would be better. It is Taco Thursday at our house tonight!
Don't know how you guys work when it is so hot in your office...although you probably don't have much choice! STay cool.
the same ole things still going on here. I paid for us to have insurance for the month and DH is having surgery next Thursday on the eye! The dr was very optimistic that sight will be fine! Today my Water Well decides to stop and now there is another cost. I have decided we are being tested and when we pass this test things will be fine! I got my car back yesterday from the repair shop, I hit a deer the day I got back from Florida, June 24th. That was 6300.00 of damage when it was all completed. I had 100 to pay so it's not all bad!
Well going out to let the GKids play in the pool!
Stay cool and drink your water'''
PS. Christine I was going to come to the reunion but I have to be in Bloomington with my Husband for surgery follow up that day at 2pm!
I have suffed peppers in the oven for supper, fpr me and Hubert will just have meat balls. He really dislikes peppers of any kind.
One more day to work, then Saturday we are heading to Michigan for a week. I know, it is hard, being back to work for 3 days and leaving on vacation.
I am glad everyone is staying busy these days, no one can say any of us are lazy.