Will my luck hold and what is next?
I will likely take another run at Northwestern on Monday by calling a certain bariatric doctors office since he is not just listed for bariatric surgery. UIC is of course doable since it is on the blue line and that is our major public transportation artery though we have not used it past Jackson. The option going back there I think is Ellie who was the surgeon Vitello wanted to move me to but she did not do RNY. I am sure there are very good options but I would like to keep everything in Northwestern since I have this really orphaned sleep disorder where Dr. Zee is one of three experts internationally. I have an appointment the first week in July with one of her associates. That sleep disorder along with sleep apnea if treated thirty years ago would likely have avoided the avalanche that is now my medical history. The only problem with that is treatment for sleep apnea at that time was akin to torture and the sleep disorder has just now been given a number in the coding world.