I was given my walking papers - yeah!
Been home since about 1800hrs. Made a pot of chicken noodle soup with the mix I make and have it in my tummy already.
Follow-up appointments to be made with 2 of the 3 docs and the 3rd is a phone follow-up for the MRI results. Hopefully I can get some good sleep tonight. I have to look at my ins. co. EOBs for other things that have come in so I can turn the info over to the maintainer that cuts the checks via me and then I send to the provider. And oh crap the doc that I am going to fire was on the hospital unit 3 times and we think that he saw us today while we were walking the hall.
I was treated very well there. ABMC bends over backwards with customer service but their cafeteria food sucks. They should take lessons on food from NW Comm Hosp in Arlington Hts or Elmhurst Memorial which both have fabulous food. Dave was telling me that the food looked like worse than the leather on his worn out shoes. And that was at the height of the lunch and dinner hours when it should have looked fresh.
Pre word from all three docs while I was there are pointing at adhesions causing the horrible pain and me being sent there was due to an intestinal blockage.
Later gators.
Open RNY May 7