Sunday Roll Call
Tagging onto what Mary posted - Target is American based see this link: there are several things I highly dislike about Target and one of them is that it is now I believe owned by the company that owns Macy's. I highly dislike Macy's after what they did to Marshall Fields (MF). I will not even look at a MF store even on State St. I will not even walk through MF even if it is bitter cold and closer to my car at Woodfield or for me to be warm on State St in the Loop . . . My main dislike is that they will not let the Salvation Army have a bell ringer outside of it at Christmas time. How UnAmerican is that???????????????
I will qualify this with saying that I will shop at Target because it is the only big box dept store local to me. I do have a Wally World in Addison that I go to on very rare occasions. The getting in and out of that store will take your life into your hands to get back on Rohlwing Rd.
Open RNY May 7
While I had initial dismay at Target not allowing the bell ringers, I understand the decision from a business and community point of view. If they allowed the SA bell ringers, it opens them up to lawsuits from every other organization looking to raise funds. While I will never pass a kettle without putting something in, there are plenty of other organizations I would not give a penny to. Target gives millions to charity and is one of the most giving corporations in America.
Several years ago, I volunteered at Catholic Charities "toy shower" . They collect unwrapped toys and distribute them to lists provided by state and local agencies with kids in need, regardless of faith. For the older kids, Target GC's were donated by Target for distribution to these kids along with highly discounted toys that were purchased.
I do not like Wal-Mart and have not shopped at them for the simple reason that until very recently they would not open stores in larger cities. They would not oepn in Chicago until they realized there was money to be made here. Once they decided to open in Chicago, they ran into issues with their low wages they paid employees. Everything seems to boil down to money, sadly.
There are so many people out of work that I try to support as many local businessses as possible.
Good morning!
Well I have been MIA for way to long! Life has been so busy, however, I have noticed that as I run through my daily happenings I have been forgetting about me!!
I have noticed I am falling back into old habits!! I have been snacking on crackers and cheese instead of going to bed when I am tired. With my stomach now almost a yr old, it is tolerating more bad foods!! YUCK! So I am trying to return to supports!
I hope all is well with you! Other than falling off the wagon so to speak I am doing ok. Weight loss is slow, but I am not suprised. I am still walking and soon hope to be running.
Take care! Happy Sunday!!
Debbie- I am constantly battling with my bad habbits. I feel like those cartoons with the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other!!! I have the devil saying "eat it!!" and the angel saying "NO!!!" I do admit that lately the devil has been winning more lately.
Whenever I see those people that say "I lost so-so pounds forever"...I cringe....because you should never assume forever...It will always be a battle it will always be work.
It is a nice warm day, too bad it is windy and a cold front is moving in. I layed low yesterday. My tooth that I had pulled this past week is giving me problems. My gums are still swollen. I had an emergency visit to my dentist yesterday afternoon. Everything looks good but he has no idea why it is still so swollen. He gave me some meds. Hope they work. I am getting tired of soft foods and icing it.
Today I will venture out to shop and that is about it.
Crystal, it sounds like you had a great day yesterday. What fun to be able to spend and entire day with Amanda. Enjoy your day today as well. I am glad the migranes are being held at bay.
Lisa, if you ever run out of minutes on On Star, you can just push the On Star button and tell the adviser you want to add some and then charge them to your credit card. I have done that before. I am bad at tracking my minutes so if I am out I just push that cute little button. It will still work reguardless of whether you have minutes left.
Steven, I had forgotten that Target was owned by a French company. It is amazing how we just accept all these stores without a thought of who owns them. Thanks for the reminder! I too believe we need to support our American heritage.
Debbie, congratulations on starting to run! My body would go into shock.
Everyone have a great day.
Cat Lady
Steven, I can understand your motive, but alot of American owned companies outsource part of thier operations. I am looking at a ruler here on my desk, it was made in china.
Nancy, We don't normally use OnStar for calls. So, it didn't occur to me to push the button.
Crystal, I hope you didn't get blown away on your bike today.