Anyone attend the Good Shepherd weight loss support group?
I am looking for a new support group. I know they have a mtg this saturday, and I think I am going to attend, I was just wondering what the vibe is. I do not attend my original support group anymore, some really good people there, but it became more of a commercial for the surgeon and less about the patients. I have had a lot of problems post-surgery, and I didn't feel like I was able to share and talk about it because it was "scaring" the newbies. I appreciate any feedback, thanks!
I am looking for a new support group. I know they have a mtg this saturday, and I think I am going to attend, I was just wondering what the vibe is. I do not attend my original support group anymore, some really good people there, but it became more of a commercial for the surgeon and less about the patients. I have had a lot of problems post-surgery, and I didn't feel like I was able to share and talk about it because it was "scaring" the newbies. I appreciate any feedback, thanks!