Thursday Roll Call

Lisa Tucker
on 8/31/11 9:30 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning Illinois!

It is a fast fly-by for me this morning, I want to get to Ottawa by 7:15 this morning. I know we will have crowds of clients at our door . Some get there at 5 to be the 1st in line. Crazy.

It was a 12 hour day yesterday, with training and driving.

Crystal, SLOW DOWN. You will get everything done in its own time.

Deb, I know you are having full days too.

Nancy. You are a great.

Dawn, Sorry about your city girl having a flooded home.

San, You are doing good.

Christine, T know you are always on the go too.

Have a great day.

crystal M.
on 8/31/11 9:51 pm - Joliet, IL
Hello everyone

Lisa I don't envy you.  I wouldn't be good with dealing with the public all of the time...I have a tendancy of saying things bluntly....some people can't deal with the truth.

Today I am opening a new account at a bank.  I think I will be going with PNC bank.  Then after work I will get some of my gardening done.  I am so glad tomorrow is Friday.  I want to get as much done this weekend as possible.  I will have to get most of the painting done becasuse next weekend the furniture comes!!!! Yeah!!!!

Today will be a hot least down here they are saying 100 degrees!!!  Kepp cool and be careful.

See you guys later...bye
on 9/1/11 12:19 am - Rock City, IL
Good morning Lisa and the rest of Illinois!

I am back at work today and hoping for a MUCH better day. 

Yesterday was awful.  And here I thought everything was working out.  My boss just loves to push my buttons and make me do 4 people's worth of work while he plays.  Then, my husband was less than sypathetic when I got home and REALLY set me off.

I heard from my city girl and she is home safe and sound.  Her house is not too bad, just the basement flooded and they lost their washer and dryer.  She is happy that her shoes are all fine!  I sent her a box for her birthday, but I am afraid it got washed away.  there were some things in there that are private jokes and I told her that someone down the Hudson River is going to be VERY confused if they find it!

My boys are going to the opening concert of the On the Waterfront Festival tonight, so it will just be me and Liv.  I think we may go OUT for dinner tonight!

Wishing you a great day!


Tell someone that you love them!

crystal M.
on 9/1/11 10:41 am - Joliet, IL
Dawn...I have to agree if I found a box with corn husks in it I would wonder if they were planning on smoking them....hahaha
on 9/1/11 10:36 am - St Cloud, FL
hello everyone,
I made it threw my 44th bday today wooohooo I enjoyed my meals today very little one's but it was a great day now for my AC the fan broke at 4am so no air have to wait for part next Tuesday ugh and my frig went what a week glad for the little frig we can use I said happy birthday to my house because it feels it needs gifts odd house hahaha anyway hope everyone has a nice nite peace san


crystal M.
on 9/1/11 10:40 am - Joliet, IL
Happy Birthday!!!!  

Oh man tough break on the house....this is why I rent.  My garage door broke and the maintenance man is coming tomorrow to fix it...I love it. 
crystal M.
on 9/1/11 10:43 am - Joliet, IL
Lining up at 5 way!!!  I would just line up to find a job.
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