Saturday Roll Call
Good Morning,
The sun is out, it will be a nice day.
I am heading for Bloomington this morning to dress shop with my daughter and granddaughter. It will be a fun day.
Last night we were in Yorkville with our other daughter Annette. They smoked a brisket. It was great!
I am glad that Nancy's first week back to work went good,
I am glad that Crystal only has a 1 wee****il she can call it quits with the company she works for.
I am hoping Chris and Dave have a great vacation.
I am glad for Dawn living through the first couple of days with the family, now that her boss is on vacation.
Sandy, you only have a few more days before the world opens up for you.
Deb, enjoy t few weeks of vacation.
To everyone, have a great weekend.
Yes Lisa and Nancy WOW I made it to day 4 of- Clear liquids, I am to be at the hospital by today every bone in my body hurts not good to have this pain but I keep saying my new life is right around the corner hang in there...To all enjoy your weekend and be safe at everything your doing and to drink drink drink lots of water well time to go sleep was up half the night again...

I am packing up a storm. The living room is done. I also took down all of the pictures on the wall and filled in the nail holes last night and sanded them down this morning. I'm not going to repaint. I figure after 13 years it's considered normal wear and tear. Today I plan on packing most of the kitchen and closets. I will leave out only what I will be using. My apartment is looking really bear right now.
I will be making lots of calls today too. I have to set up the utilities and cable at the new place. I have to go to Walgreens and Meijer. I will be working out shortly. Yesterday I couldn't run full steam because I felt like a migraine was coming on. So I took it slow. Yesterday was also my last month-end at work. My boss came by and was really sweet about how sad she is to see me leave but how happy she is to see me doing something that she knows will make me happy. She said it was really nice to see a happy story for once. I think she really is being so nice about this. And the people at work are planning a going away party for me. We are going to Cheddars and we are going to PARTY!!!!
They are closing my street today for an Art Festival. I know it sounds great and they really have nice things for sale but I hate my street being closed down. more thing I won't have to worry about soon!!!
Christine- have a nice time
Nancy- I hate computer problems at work. One time I had no computer for 5 hours!!! I was sooo bored.
Lisa- Dress shopping sounds like lots of fun. I can't wait to spend some quality time with my daughter.
Well have a great day and enjoy your Saturday. Bye
We leave the house at about 10:40ish. Dave will drive me to the train station and then he will walk down on his own. This way he does not have to drag the suitcase down 3/4 of a mile. I still have a lifting restriction of 10# for another week. Amtrak leaves at 215pm. If Amtrak is running on time we will roll into the Dells at 6pm. Yeah it is faster to drive but with this we have no stress. We will probably grab a snack at Union Station at one of the "grab it 'N growl" eateries. I also have a few bananas to take with while on the train.
Have a good week. I might walk over to the library while up there and see if they let out of towners use their 'puters.

Open RNY May 7