Update on me
Hello Everyone!
I am back among the land of the living and computers that work! I have spent 2 weeks with the most onery computers and cellphones with zip reception and minds of their own. I have AT & T but you would think I was in Siberia not Illinois as I had no reception on my computer or my cell phone most of the time. On a rare occasion I could get a connection but if I turned my head or moved my computer all connections went out the window!
I was in the hospital for a week following my surgery. They then moved me to a nursing home/rehab center for a week. I got home late yesterday afternoon totally wiped out. The rehab part of the nursing home was great but the nursing part left a lot to be desired. If you were conscious and knew who you were and wher you were, I would not recommend that place to my worst enemy. I am about to report them for lack of care to residents. I have heard horror stories of nursing homes and now I have lived one. Oh my god, they do not want to respond to a call bell if their or your life depended on it. It took them 50 minutes to answer a call Wednesday morning.
I would have hated it to have been an emergency. That night I was sitting in the lounge and asked one of the aids what a noise was and they informed me that that was the sound of someone who had called for assistance to get off the toilet. THOSE calls were also left unanswered for LONG periods of time. I would have been fuming if I was on the toilet.
I am home now, and in my own bed and chair and I feel much more comfortable. I still have a lot of pain and need a walker to get around but at least I can move on my own choice and not wait for someone to come help me. I miss the ready made meals but I do have some easy to prepare things available.
I have a long way to go to get better. I can see why the rehab period is so long. I cannot bend, lift or twist so basically I cannot do anything yet. Home health starts Monday and I imagine PT too.
I did keep up to date on your posts, I just could not post. Hope everyone is doing good. Hopefully this awful weather will soon pass. Have a good day!
I am back among the land of the living and computers that work! I have spent 2 weeks with the most onery computers and cellphones with zip reception and minds of their own. I have AT & T but you would think I was in Siberia not Illinois as I had no reception on my computer or my cell phone most of the time. On a rare occasion I could get a connection but if I turned my head or moved my computer all connections went out the window!
I was in the hospital for a week following my surgery. They then moved me to a nursing home/rehab center for a week. I got home late yesterday afternoon totally wiped out. The rehab part of the nursing home was great but the nursing part left a lot to be desired. If you were conscious and knew who you were and wher you were, I would not recommend that place to my worst enemy. I am about to report them for lack of care to residents. I have heard horror stories of nursing homes and now I have lived one. Oh my god, they do not want to respond to a call bell if their or your life depended on it. It took them 50 minutes to answer a call Wednesday morning.
I am home now, and in my own bed and chair and I feel much more comfortable. I still have a lot of pain and need a walker to get around but at least I can move on my own choice and not wait for someone to come help me. I miss the ready made meals but I do have some easy to prepare things available.
I have a long way to go to get better. I can see why the rehab period is so long. I cannot bend, lift or twist so basically I cannot do anything yet. Home health starts Monday and I imagine PT too.
I did keep up to date on your posts, I just could not post. Hope everyone is doing good. Hopefully this awful weather will soon pass. Have a good day!
Cat Lady
Revision on 04/19/13
I am so glad you are home and back in your bed and chair. I know that nursing homes leave a lot to be desired. Hopefully you will never have to go to one again.
So, relax and do what the dr. ordered.
So, relax and do what the dr. ordered.
It's nice to see you back...I missed you and your posts. I am hoping recovery will go well for you.
The nursing homes can be horrible. I have so many friends and family that have worked as CNAs or RNs at nursing homes. The first problem is the owners are always looking at the bottom line and they don't properly staff these places...especially at night when friends and family are not around visiting. But also they aren't careful about who they hire. To work at a nursing home you have to be special kind of person. I know 2 people like that. They love the elderly and have dedicated their lives to make the elderly comfortable in the years of their lives. There are some that don't care and those are the ones that will one day need help on the toilet and they will need to wait an hour for help!!!
The nursing homes can be horrible. I have so many friends and family that have worked as CNAs or RNs at nursing homes. The first problem is the owners are always looking at the bottom line and they don't properly staff these places...especially at night when friends and family are not around visiting. But also they aren't careful about who they hire. To work at a nursing home you have to be special kind of person. I know 2 people like that. They love the elderly and have dedicated their lives to make the elderly comfortable in the years of their lives. There are some that don't care and those are the ones that will one day need help on the toilet and they will need to wait an hour for help!!!