Wednesday's Roll Call
I am sore, i have attended exercise classes two days in a row-yeah me. My classes are 4 days a week and i have never really exercised let alone been excited about it. So it was aqua yesterday and cardio and weights today, i had fun but i'm so sore.
Well i hope everyone has a good day, please drive safely out there. Keep me in your prayers so that i may keep motivated to continue exercising.
Anyone feel the earthquake this morning? At 4am, I was woken up to the sound of the front door closing. I keep my bedroom door closed and it also rattled and then my dog barked. lol I wondered what was going on, but I fell back asleep. Turned on the news this morning and found out it was an earthquake. How 'bout that?!
Hello everyone
I am at work today. Yeasterday's day off was soooo nice, I wish I could take another day off. I had a lot of snow to clean off my car. The drive was fine once I got out of Oswego. Oswego has the worst roads, every town around me has better plowed streets than Oswego. Naperville, Aurora and Bolingbrook...all better.
Yes, I did feel the earthquake. It freaked me out because I thought someone else was in my room and when you live alone that is a freaky feeling. I thought someone was in my room because my bed moved and it felt like someone sat on my bed. I looked around and thought I must have imagined the whole thing and went back to bed.
Well hope everyone gets to where they're going safely. Have a nice day.
I ended up taking the day off yesterday! Felt a little guilty but really needed a mental health day and did not feel like dealing with all that snow. Got a lot accomplished so some stress is relieved.
I slept through the earthquake. I did that the last time when the epicenter was about 5 miles away. Can we say "heavy sleeper" Neither me or the cats moved an inch. I was awake for the aftershock and still did not sense it. Maybe it is the temperapedic bed.
Today it is back to work. I have a doctor's appointment tonight. I really hope I can convince him that I need to change my meds for my depression. They are not working. I have tried to tell him for the last 6 months and he wont listen. Grrrr. Just because I can be pleasant and upbeat when I am there, does not mean I am not depressed.
Not much else going on. Hope everyone has a great day! Drive carefully, and stay warm!
Cat Lady