Wednesday Roll Call
The one in Joliet is on Tuesdsay 10/06/09 at 7pm. If you want to attend that one call me at (815) 685-4015 and I will give you the directions. It is in my office at work, since I work for my dad, I can use the office whenever I want. You are more than welcome to attend that one if you want.
Let me know
The one in Joliet is on Tuesdsay 10/06/09 at 7pm. If you want to attend that one call me at (815) 685-4015 and I will give you the directions. It is in my office at work, since I work for my dad, I can use the office whenever I want. You are more than welcome to attend that one if you want.
Let me know
The one in Joliet is on Tuesdsay 10/06/09 at 7pm. If you want to attend that one call me at (815) 685-4015 and I will give you the directions. It is in my office at work, since I work for my dad, I can use the office whenever I want. You are more than welcome to attend that one if you want.
Let me know
The one in Joliet is on Tuesdsay 10/06/09 at 7pm. If you want to attend that one call me at (815) 685-4015 and I will give you the directions. It is in my office at work, since I work for my dad, I can use the office whenever I want. You are more than welcome to attend that one if you want.
Let me know