Michael A Thruman Sr
I started the group in Rockford. I have been a group therapist for thirty years but I don't "do therapy" in the group. I just ask how people are doing and what they want to talk about. I don't even go to every meeting because I don't want it to appear like it's "my meeting". I talk about my own life and struggles freely which I wouldn't do in a therapy group.
Get a room that will commit for at least six months--a year is better. You have to commit to being there even if no one shows up. If you can do this with a friend, so that you have coverage for the meetings. Once you have a place, post notices on OH, lap band talk, and hospital sites that have a message board for weight loss surgeries. It's not a bad idea to have a couple of topics to talk about in case people don't have one or you get non-talkers.
You have to remind people monthly. I started by sending emails, but addresses changed and that didn't work out. So I post on OH IL and sometimes WI and that seems to cover it best. I have posted on the main boards and all the specialty boards but we didn't get many that way. If you have a phone to put in the notice that is a help too. People do call for directions. They also email the day of the meeting to ask questions and so you have to check your email.
If you have more questions, send me a message. Connie