I feel so terrible and exhausted and the reason is FIBRO?!
I am newly diagnoised with fibro. I have noticed its worse around my period and a flare up last like 5-7 days. The symptoms happen in rotation, first muscle weakness then pain and dont even touch me :( Then the chills and hot flashes sometimes with a low grade fever. Then more aches and sinus issues! Always feeling flu like! Then heart palpataions and some air hunger! I feel like I just walked up a flight of stairs and all I did was move around normal at work (Im a dog groomer) Im getting worried I have something more serious too, aniexty and worry plagues me 24/7 when I feel like this?! Anyone else get like this? I need some advice/support! Im about to go to the E.R.! Uggghhhhh why me?
I have a friend who has fibro and I know she has to make sure she gets lots of rest with it. I know she can be achy a lot. I also know that she has done a lot of walking and that seems to help her. She does take meds to help control the symptoms. It is a rough thing when you are first diagnosed. Finding the right balance of everything is hard. Hang in there!
Cat Lady