Sunday Roll Call

Lucy M.
on 12/27/08 11:39 pm - Conway, SC
Hi Dave. I like you already! Ummm, hot date for coffee. Good luck and hope it works out for you. I've had many coffee dates. I felt like I was on a job interview. Some were better than others.

Well, you like rain and ice. That's OK. At least someone is into it. I've had enough for the year!

We're here for you. Ask away!

Have a great time and day.


Pre-op/RNY day/pre DS day/current/goal-  Realize Band 5/15/08; RNY 6/8/05, Removal Band and RNY to DS 8/25/10. RNY & Band surgeon was Dr. Guske.


on 12/28/08 1:50 am - Schaumburg, IL
You are in a good place Dave.  Glad you are on the road and hope most if not all isgoing smooth for you.  I am pre-op so for me the most important thing right now is to remember my goals to get ready if I am approved this summer after twelve months of medical weight loss supervision.  Going to the message board link on the left and posting a new topic can bring quick responses.  A search of the site may bring even quicker answers though.


So you have been forgiven?

Lisa Tucker
on 12/27/08 11:49 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning.

I stayed in all day yesterday, and will probably do the same today. I have a few things to do, like take down decorations, and such. I want ot get on my gazelle today too, DH is downstairs doing something, not sure what.

Tomorrow, like most of you, I will be heading back to work. Only 3 days this week.

New Years Eve we will be going to our club for dinner, then stay for a bit  and listen to the music, maybe dance a few. But, we will be home early since DH  will have been up since 4 am. New Years Day we will be heading for Yorkville to spend the day with our daughter and SIL.

Have a good day and take some time for yourself.



Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


Lucy M.
on 12/27/08 11:56 pm - Conway, SC
Good morning Lisa. I'm planning on putting the decorations away tomorrow when it's warmer outside.

I love my gazelle. It's a good workout and not to hard on the joints.

I had an invite for NY eve at the Blue Chip Casino for ****tails, dinner and a free nights stay. I did reserve a room but will cancel tomorrow. I didn't want to go by myself.

Have a good day too!


Pre-op/RNY day/pre DS day/current/goal-  Realize Band 5/15/08; RNY 6/8/05, Removal Band and RNY to DS 8/25/10. RNY & Band surgeon was Dr. Guske.


Monica G.
on 12/28/08 12:03 am - North Aurora, IL
Good Morning everyone

We survived driving out to my sister's yesterday if that horrible dense fog.  It was scary!  It was kind of a bummer party though, I felt so bad for my sister.  Only us and one other couple showed up.  I did okay food wise too, my family always plans for me, it's so nice.

Today my parents are stopping over for "christmas" though the boys aren't here.  My sister and her daughter will come by though and that will be nice. I will pick the boys up this afternoon, but other than that, nothing planned.

Have a great day all and don't blow away out there!



Lucy M.
on 12/28/08 12:06 am - Conway, SC
Hi Monica. I hate to drive in the fog. I can relate to the no shows at a party. Glad to hear that your family takes into account your food needs.

Sounds like you've got a nice day ahead.

Have a wonderful day.


Pre-op/RNY day/pre DS day/current/goal-  Realize Band 5/15/08; RNY 6/8/05, Removal Band and RNY to DS 8/25/10. RNY & Band surgeon was Dr. Guske.


birder I.
on 12/28/08 12:40 am - Rockford, IL

Good morning friends!

This holiday stuff has really gotten my life off schedule! Stayed up too late, slept in too late. Not getting enough water, eating too much junk. It 's time to regroup! Today is a good day to start even though I got up late! The rest of the day can be on track to get a jump on Monday. I find Monday restartings frustrating so I'm better off to restart on another day.

We don't undecorate until after New Year's generally, but maybe we will this year. I've been working on a pair of slippers which you knit huge and then felt by washing in ho****er. Also have made several pair of socks. The yarns for those are really yummy!

It looks like a beautiful day. I might head out to Cherryvale (which I hate) to return some Christmas stuff. Coldwater Creek has a big sale.

Need to get in gear!



Lucy M.
on 12/28/08 2:03 am - Conway, SC
Good afternoon Connie.

Soon we will all be putting the holidays behind us.

Hope you're successful in your shopping endeavors.

Have a nice day.


Pre-op/RNY day/pre DS day/current/goal-  Realize Band 5/15/08; RNY 6/8/05, Removal Band and RNY to DS 8/25/10. RNY & Band surgeon was Dr. Guske.


Janet H.
on 12/28/08 12:42 am - Golden Valley, AZ
Good morning Lucy and the rest of my IL family, Not much going on here today, Yesterday we were out in the fog and rain all morning until about 2 pm yesterday, Had breakfast at Golden Corral I love that place and I only have to pay for a child's buffet, which is nice,
then we went to the tool store, for Jim not me, and the Goodwill, I love to look for neat stuff there, and to Menard's and home so today only my SI L's birthday lunch
Hope everyone has a good day,
Oh Did Nancy every find here Kitty? I have not seen anything more about it or I might Have missed it,
Take care everyone,

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



on 12/28/08 12:57 am - Sycamore, IL

How do you get away with paying the kids price for the buffet?

My family and friends still want to go out there (In Rockford) but I am trying to talk them into going to IHOP.

If I could pay the kids meal price I would be able to talk myself into going. I am too cheap to go and pay full price.

Start Wt.:485
Surgical Date: 12/10/08 Open RNY
Goal Wt: 275
Present Wt: 224 LBS!!!!!!!

Ya, thats right, Im UNDER MY GOAL BY 50LBS!!
WOO HOO!!!!!!!

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