Chilly Sunday Roll Call
Kitties are really good at finding warm spots. I am praying Fluffer has found one. We had a kitty once that adopted us when we moved into a rent house. The first night the a/c was not working and we had the windows open. We woke up to this huge long haired cat laying in the bed between us. We fed her but she would disappear for days. One day we were visiting neighbors and their cat jumped on my lap and it was the cat that had adopted us which had also adopted them and was splitting her time between us. They eventually moved so she became ours totally and then we moved and she took off first chance she got. Some dogs got her we think as we found her covered in wet gunk like dogs had licked her. We took her to the vet who found nothing wrong with her that needed treating. She spent the winter in a den of our then 3500 square foot home that I laugh at thinking back as being the cats room as I spent my time either in the bedroom or living room or in my office above the den. She liked a chair by the fireplace even if it was not lit. Come spring she hit the door again and never came back.
Thanks Randy
I am praying that Fluffer has found a spot to curl up in as well. I am jus so worried with it being a wind chill factor of 30 below that he wont make it. He came in from the out doors as a kitten when it was sleeting the night before we got 18 inches of snow. I came home from work and he was crying his fool head off. He had had it with the great outdoors. He has never looked back except to say hi to his mom through the door when I feed her. He just could not resist going outside to visit her. He would have to pick winter to do this.
No one has turned him in to the animal shelter and I doubt they would be able to catch him. If he makes it through this weather and I see him I may have to live trap him to get him back inside. And this is my cuddler!
I am praying that Fluffer has found a spot to curl up in as well. I am jus so worried with it being a wind chill factor of 30 below that he wont make it. He came in from the out doors as a kitten when it was sleeting the night before we got 18 inches of snow. I came home from work and he was crying his fool head off. He had had it with the great outdoors. He has never looked back except to say hi to his mom through the door when I feed her. He just could not resist going outside to visit her. He would have to pick winter to do this.
No one has turned him in to the animal shelter and I doubt they would be able to catch him. If he makes it through this weather and I see him I may have to live trap him to get him back inside. And this is my cuddler!
Cat Lady
Revision on 04/19/13
Nancy, It is bad out. We went to Ottawa to pick up the GD. and the snow is blowing bad enough that you cant see to far ahead. So, stay home and stay warm. We started to take the daughters car, but she heard something, and the serpantine? belt broke. Now DH and DD are trying to fix it.
We got out today. Boy was it cold! When the wind would gust, I thought I was going to be blown over by it. We did manage to get to the three stores I wanted to. And gassed up. At Costco, we go****er. I also got a pair of slippers without a heel, to bring to the hospital. At Sam's Club, I got my case of RTD protein drink. At Meijer, I got a pair a sweat pants. And some juice to drink today. I really liked the apple juice. I could not stand the white grape and white cranberry juices.
In a few minutes, I have to take my second bottle of magnesium citrate. It wasn't was bad with the first bottle, probably because of the liquid diet for the last two weeks. It did take about 2 hours to kick in.
I have my bag packed up, but I think I need to take away some of the clothing. I can probably wear home what I wear to the hospital, since I won't have it on very long. I'll have to assess my choices in a bit.
I do have carmex, ear plugs, slippers, a comfy robe. My CPAP mask, the heparin and needles. No lotion or toiletries yet. I should go downstairs to get my little bottles of shampoo and conditioner. I still need to stick a book in there. I guess I don't need my pretty, new, really warm pjs. They are in the bag right now.
I'll probably be up early, so I'll probably post one more time.
Take care everyone!
In a few minutes, I have to take my second bottle of magnesium citrate. It wasn't was bad with the first bottle, probably because of the liquid diet for the last two weeks. It did take about 2 hours to kick in.
I have my bag packed up, but I think I need to take away some of the clothing. I can probably wear home what I wear to the hospital, since I won't have it on very long. I'll have to assess my choices in a bit.
I do have carmex, ear plugs, slippers, a comfy robe. My CPAP mask, the heparin and needles. No lotion or toiletries yet. I should go downstairs to get my little bottles of shampoo and conditioner. I still need to stick a book in there. I guess I don't need my pretty, new, really warm pjs. They are in the bag right now.
I'll probably be up early, so I'll probably post one more time.
Take care everyone!