Chilly Sunday Roll Call
I just lost a post. How annoying! Accuweather has us at -4 with wind chills of -24. I think that is on the east side of Montgomery. Sugar Grove is showing -5 with wind chills of -39, with 25 mile wind gusts. We are closer to SG, I think.
Yesterday went well. I didn't eat anything off plan with my family Christmas celebration. I had my cup of broth, my SF Jello, and my protein drink. I think it was hardest when I was packing the leftovers into containers. Then they were in my face.
Today, I hope to stop at Meijer to return a blouse. I also wanted to make it to Sam's Club and maybe Costco. I wanted to get a couple of cases of bottled water and a case of the low carb EAS RTD. I also need to rinse out my hose and CPAP mask. And, I need to pack my bag for tomorrow. It's hard to know what time to leave tomorrow because of weekday traffic. I figure to leave around 8am. We'll see what my DH thinks.
Wishing you all well. Keep warm and safe.
I am so sorry about not being around a lot lately. Last week was a busy week, and this week is even worse. Don't worry if I am not around a lot until after Christmas.
Tinker is still on her medicine, but today is the last day, everyone send good thoughts that she will be okay.
Christmas is here at my house this year...YIKES!! I will be glad when it is over. I hate being that way, but I never get to enjoy it. I just want to be able to enjoy it one year.
8.6 degrees here with a windchill of -10. We have already hit our high here..
Everyone stay warm.
I have to go out today to finish up the shopping since Monday is full of other things and Tuesday Tyler has a wrestling meet and those tend to take about 5-6 hours...Christmas Eve my entire family (minus my brother and his family) are coming to my house to celebrate. It sounds so nasty outside and I really don't want to go out, but what's a girl to do right? lol
I stil have to vacuum my entire house today too..I have one neice who is very allergic to the dogs, but she loves them. We have to do the cleaning a few days ahead of time so the dust and dander particles have time to settle after being stirred up from vacuuming and dusting and such. so once that's done today, it's done til after Christmas. I still have floors to scrub and other things to do though around the house.
I am so worried about Tyler...he's going to the Bears Packers game tomorrow night at Soldier Feild with his dad and it's supposed to be extremely cold out. I will make sure he is bundled up but he's just getting over a bad case of bronchitis. keep him in your thoughts tomorrow evening/night please. I have to take him to the Pace terminals by woodfield to meet my ex tomorrow afternoon...there goes my afternoon..
Well stay warm and safe today and don't go out unless you're crazy like me! lol
Sounds like you have your hands full. Make sure you get some rest so you don't come down with anything!
Good morning Illinoisans!
It looks pretty out today but according to all of you it's bitter cold. I haven't opened the door to get the paper yet, so I can enjoy the sun and snow till then. We are having a knitter's open house today and so I guess some people will venture out. At least the food we are making is all stuff we can eat in case we get stuck with a lot of leftovers.
I still have most of my wrapping to do but everything that needed to be sent has already arrived. Of course my mother opened her present as soon as she got it instead of waiting for Christmas but if you can't make your own rules at 91, when can you? LOL
I have to work tomorrow and Tuesday, then I'm off till the 5th. The school is essentially shut down, but our clinic is open, so I will be on call if anyone is in crisis. However, it usually is very quiet during the holidays despite what the newspapers would say about holiday depression. The times I've worked the holidays it seems that everyone cancels at the last minute and I sit there doing nothing. Since I live five minutes from work, it's easier to take the time off and be on call.
Stay warm today friends!