Monday Funday Roll Call
It is a Funday anyway though as we slip back into frezzing temps with snow to follow. Crazy Texan transplant.
My search for Tex-Mex and Texas style BBQ here is not making any headway. I have found a lot of good mexican food and a lot of good BBQ. It just does not satisfy that taste spot. Especially tamales. The tamales I have found here have been good and they are bigger than tamales in Texas. The bigger part though is Masa the texture is actually more like pollenta and I need a tamale with less masa where the masa is not grainy. Anyone that understands this please point me in the right direction and please close to Shaumburg.
Good morning!
I have one more week. I am starting to think I should start packing my suitcase. I know I need my CPAP mask, my heparin, my spirometer. I have carmex in the pocket of my jacket. I also will bring a comfy robe. It's not super warm. I don't know how much to bring in the way of clothing and underwear. Slippers?
I know there was a suggested list before Michelle went in. I'll have to see if I can find it again. I assume I shouldn't be wearing jewelry, like rings. I figure a watch will be okay.
Another day of work. Tomorrow I see my orthopaedic doctor to ask about knee surgery over the summer.
I wish I could have 1/2 days part of this week just to give myself a bit of personal time. Oh, well.
Wishing you a warm and safe day! Don't blow away!
I found that it was helpful to have earplugs as hospitals are not exactly the most quite places. I did take enough panties but you are not going to want to wear a bra. My suggestion if you do not have a sports bra, go get several. That is all I wore for the first month as other**** the port sites and were very uncomfortable.
I took sugar free gum -- my surgeon allowed it and it helped when I wasnt allowed liquids for the 24 hours after surgery. I also had a book, puzzle book, loose clothes and pillow for ride home and slippers that you can put on without leaning over. Someone had given me a prayer shaw and I took that as well and loved it for when I was sitting in a chair. I did not take a robe as since you are on IV's you can not get your arms in it. You just use a hospital gown backwards, for a robe.
I did include a nail file, pad of paper and pen to jot down notes and instructions. If you have ever broken a nail and had no way to file it you will drive yourself nuts. Also lotion.
Hope that helps. Good luck and fasten your seat belt for the most wonderful, exciting ride!
Cat Lady
and if you have a cell phone, for me if I want to call anyone it would have been a toll call from their, Good luck and wishing you a speedy recovery
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Randy, it is a bit of a drive, but here in LaSalle we have several authentic Mexican restaurants. They are owned by hispanic people and are excellent. Well worth the drive! I love both of them. One is a hole in the wall and the other is really nice decor. Both though are clean and serve yummy food. My advice is to find a location that has a fairly large hispanic population and you will find a decent mexican restaurant.
It is COLD and WINDY outside today. Dont blow away. Also icy. Be careful out and about today!
Carla, I hope your thyroid surgery goes well and that the results are negative. What a yucky way to start the new year.
Everyone is so busy this last 10 days before Christmas. I hope you get everything on your plans done and have a chance to enjoy your holiday and time with family and friends.
It is Monday, time for another wonderful work week! Have a great day today and remember to SMILE!
Cat Lady
Busters became an Italian restaurant and is now a coffee shop restaurant.
Cat Lady
I'm safe and warm at work this morning. It's soooo cold outside. It took me forever to scrape my windows this morning. I even used de-icer and still it took awhile. The people in warm weather can't complain about anything. I will take a really hot day over weather like this any time. When I got to work today the parking lot was alot more empty than usual. I think alot of people might be staying home today. The streets were icy but managable.
I went to the mall yesterday and picked up my secret santa gift. I just have to run over to Target for wrapping paper. Then I'm really done with everything. I pick up my daughter Friday from Champaign. I pray for good weather.
Carla- good luck on your surgery.
Rnady- Chicago is the best place to go for Mexican food. I was raised in Aurora which has a large hispanic population, so Aurora has dozens of place to go for Mexican food.
Everyone stay warm and have a nice day.
I'm just thankful to be at work, safe and warm with no car accident. There are a lot of them especially on the tollroads and highways. People just don't understand the term, slow down!
It's a full day and work week for me. Two work parties though this week. Ughh!!
I decided to go to Palm Springs to visit my mom in February. At least I will have my sister there during my visit. I'm definitely renting a car so we can go out. I've got some mileage points I can use, so that will help the cost.
Randy, I don't know of any excellent Mexican restaurants, although we have a lot of them in Wheeling. If I hear of any, I'll let you know.
Wishing everyone a very safe day!