Sunday Roll Call
I am up and at it early cause DH doesn't know how to be quite when he is getting ready for work.
I am sitting here drinking a cup of coffee, then I guess I will get ready for church. My nieces want Aunt Dee to sit beside them today. Then I guess I will run to the store and get some odds and ends, cause the bad weather is coming in the evening.
What are you doing today? Preparing to go back to work tomorrow? I don't work, but seems like this weekend flew by.
Hello eveyone
I got home before the nasty weather last night. I think I may run over to Fox Valley Mall today to pick up my secret santa gift. Then run over to Target fro gift wrap.Later today I have to meet my best friend at the high school her daughter is in a concert.
I did all of my groceries for the holiday yesterday. I used to make tons of cookies and cakes every year. Not this year. Its just too much of a temptation. I would eat too much. So this year I'm making pound cakes and thats it. Its the one thing everyone always wants my pound cake. Its was my grandma's recipe.
Dee- I wish I could have a dog. But no pets allowed in my apartment. I even have a name picked out. If I got my dog at Christmas I would name her Holly. Yes it would be a girl dog. If you ever watched "As Good As it Gets" with Jack Nicholson. I would want a dog just like the one in that movie.
Everyone enjoy the rest of your weekend.

I have been busy with preparing for my sister and her DH to be with us this weekend and now it is over and she is going home. The family celebrated her 60th B-day yesterday at Maggiano's by Woodfield. We had our own private room and it was great.
After Mary leaves I will finish putting out my Christmas salt and pepper collection (I have 28 sets) and then tweak the rest of the decorations in the house. I did not put all of them out this year as I did not have enough time for that. It usually takes me close to seven days to do it all.
Well, need to hop in the shower as Katie is coming over and we all are going out to breakfast. Katie is Mary's daughter and Kate is also the girl that stayed with us for close to a month, just to refresh your memories.

Open RNY May 7
Not much going on here today except Ava's big 4th birthday party......
She wants Jen, not her mommy, to make her hair pretty for her party.
I guess I'm having a housefull today. Everything is decorated for the holidays so it will be extra cheerful in here. Just a few more days and I will be I will be on my way to WV and Christmas with Ian and Tyler. I can't wait to see them. From the pictures I just got Tyler is starting to look older. Well, got to get my butt in gear and start making breakfast.
Have a great day everyone!
I just put the last tray of chocolate chip cookies in the oven. When they are done I will make a loaf of pumpkin bread to take to a Christmas lunch on Tuesday. That is the end of the holiday baking!
Other then that, I have some housework to do. My plan for the rest of the day is staying home and relaxing. Tomorrow starts another work week.
I have a Dr. appointment on Friday. We will be meeting our cousins for a holiday lunch after that. Then, next weekend, we will treak the house and be ready for the holidays.
Stay warm, stay safe.........
I was already out this morning, grocery shopping and getting gas for the car. It's nice to see the snow and ice melting. It's still windy outside and that makes it a *****illy even though the temps are in the 40's.
I was at my sister's house yesterday and it went pretty well. My mom was there almost for the whole visit, except for lunch and about an hour when we got back. My sister has one of those holiday clocks that plays Christmas carols on the hour. I forgot that I bought one too last year. YAY!! I found it this morning in the closet in my second bedroom. I didn't even have to search for it. Batteries are in and it's playing carols on the hour. I love it and got it at Walgreens last year for $10.00.
Too many holiday goodies in the store. I left all of them where they were. I was tempted with the holiday eggnog ready made with brandy in it. My mom always makes some from scratch. I decided not to buy it, because I know that I would drink the whole thing. If I really want some, I could have a drink at my mom's at Christmas. That way it's controlled.
My mom still wants me to come to Palm Springs in the winter. I was checking flights and I could go for $399.00 if I go on February 4 and return on the 14th. So I might decide to go but have to decide soon as flights get booked quickly. I do have some miles I could use. Ummmm. We'll see.
Not much going on today. Going to stay in and get my stuff ready for my mortgage application. I'm working all week and don't look forward to the nasty weather, although snow shoveling will do me a lot of good. LOL.
Have a wonderful Sunday.

Good morning!
I got off to a slow start today. I seem to sleep later and later but on the weekends it doesn't really matter. I've got two presents to wrap to mail tomorrow and that's about it. Yesterday I made myself another pair of Christmas socks. My knitting friends and I decided to have a Christmas party next Sunday at our house so there will be some prep to do this week, but it won't be a huge deal....just a bit of fun! Kay has been wanting to bake and this way it will allow her to do that but we won't have to deal with tons of food.
Have a good day folks and do something soothing for your self!
I am in a frenzy here! I looked at the calendar last night and saw just how little time I have until I leave for Christmas! The scrapbook is coming along but there are also lots of presents to wrap and I still have not done my Christmas letter for family and friends. I do have the envelopes addressed and stamped.
Yesterday was so COLD even tho it was 40 degrees. That wind really went through you! I got my class done and went grocery shopping and errand running in the afternoon and then back to scrapbooking. Today, more scrapbooking.
Hope everyone has a great day!
Cat Lady
I am getting a late start today also. I guess it doesn't matter since I am off wor****il the 22nd at least lol. I am trying to enjoy being home and relaxing but I am really starting to get bored being in the house so much. I may take a ride to Target and Kohls today. I need to finish up some shopping and just get out of the house. It sounds like its really windy out there! It will be nice to get out even if its just for a short time. I just finished ordering tickets for Jersey boys for my mother, mother in-law and myself for xmas. I am excited. They have a promotion going on for performances Mon thru Thurs for 42.50 plus a surcharge. Its much better than paying like 90 per ticket! I did the same thing last year for Wicked and we had a great time. Ok well I should get my butt in gear and do something I guess.
Have a great day,