Thur. Roll Call
I had my pre-op appointment yesterday. I weighed in at 274, down 42 pounds from my first appointment this last autumn. The nutritionist was encouraging me to have one more portion of meal replacement a day for more energy. I will if I start feeling run down, but so far am ok.
Dr R's office was very busy. My DH and I ended up waiting almost 30 minutes past the appointment time to see anyone. I met a lady who lives in the subdivision across US 30 from me. She is having surgery 12-31-08. I also met Michelle, who had her RNY on 12-2-08. I'm not thrilled I have to make a special trip this Saturday (or sooner) to Good Sam to get the heperin. I have three hospitals closer by. But, it is what it is.
I didn't leave Dr. R's office until after 5pm. My DH left about 1/2 hour sooner and went back to his office. Something crazy happened when I was close to home. I went down a side road because traffic on Orchard was all backed up. So, I went down Jericho. There is a connecting road that heads to US 30. but it was backed up almost all the way to Jericho. I would have needed to go left with no traffic signal. So, I stayed on Jericho to RT 47. It took 26 minutes to get to US 30 and almost home. Normally, it should have taken about 5 minutes.
I was going to go swimming this morning. When I got into the Vaughn Athletic Center, I was warned that the therapy pool had been refilled last night and the water was cold. So, I took a shower there, gassed up my car, hosed it down at a jet-hose place, and shopped for a while at Meijer (in Elgin, so it was closer to work). It was nice not to feel rushed this morning, not nice I didn't get to swim.
I wish you all well. I hope everyone is safe and warm.