My WOW moment!
My husband came home Saturday and I was bustling around cooking his Thanksgiving dinner since he did not make it home. I had not noticed he was watching me every time I was bending over, well he out of the blue said" I can not get use to your butt being so small" I stopped what I was doing and just kinda looked at him and he said " Keep up the work hon you look great and you seem to have so much more energy" I just hugged him and said thanks. He also said I seem to be smiling all the time, I simply told him I feel good these days!
OK enough I just wanted to share my greatest moment to date!
For those who does not know he is a long haul truck driver, I see him about every month and a half! I see my surgeon more then I do him.!
Isn't nice to know they notice. My DH and sons are always telling me how great I look now. And my energy level is awesome, haven't had this much energy in years. Shoot last week I did a winter spring cleaning, cleaned for over 8 hours straight, would of never been able to do before or get up and down a step stool.
Keep up the good work!!! Were all winners in this race!!!
Big Hugs,