Sunday Roll Call - Let it Snow

Nancy G.
on 11/30/08 5:10 am - La Salle, IL

I know what you mean about the wrestling.  The first time I saw my nephew play ice hockey was also the last time!  I just could not sit there and watch the violence!  I am a chicken at heart. 

    Cat Lady

on 11/30/08 3:51 am - Elizabethtown, KY
Hello All,
Haven't been on here lately, sure miss you all.  Not much going here.  Thanksgiving was just another day for me this year, it was a little depressing but then again on the other hand it was good.  I just wish I could of kept down a little bit of turkey as I love turkey, all I pretty much ate was twice baked potatoes, corn and very little stuffing with gravy.  My BIL bless his heart made a SF chocolate pie just for me so I wouldn;t be left out of the desserts.  The tiwce baked potatoes were made with FF cream cheese and FF cheese, I made them so I made them so I could enjoy alittle of them, no one knew the difference.

I love the snow falling outside, it is so beautiful.  We put out the christmas decorations friday, so its official for me Christmas is around the corner...:)   The snow flakes are so big and pretty.  Well it looks like my Mustang will be not much road time from this point forward, willbe driving DH 4x4 tracker. 

Well I need to get heading to Silver Cross Hosp to visit my good friend thats still in there.  Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers still.

Please be careful while out and about!!!!

Big Hugs,
on 11/30/08 4:16 am - Mt Prospect, IL

Good Sunday afternoon!

I hope everyone's Thanksgiving went well, from what I have read all seemed to have a good one. Ours went pretty well here too.  I cooked, and only made small amounts of everything as it was just the four of us and my dad.  Nice and quiet!  Kind of nice for a change.  We got the outside Christmas lights up and they all work and it looks nice.  I changed things around this yr and got some new things on sale.  We are going for the Santa and Candy cane theme this year. So if it does snow enough today to cover the ground, it will only make the lights look better!

Brigid came down with the stomach flu on Thanksgiving evening so I spent the night with her in the family room keeping her clean and having her surrounded by towels etc... being that she is only 2 she doesnt get the run to the bathroom thing.  Poor thing, she was so miserable.  Friday she was very lethargic and slept most of the day, we tried to get her to drink but whatever she drank came right back up.  Sat she seemed better, but still so lethargic, I did call the Dr but as long as she still has wet diapers we can keep her home.  I tried to push fluids, and she seemed better by bedtime.  Today I am trying to get her to drink Pedialyte and Propel, which she usually loves, but she is only sipping it.  Ill keep at it.

Of course, yesterday, Jeff came down with the bug too, and ended up spending the day and night in the bathroom and slept on the couch downstairs so he could be near the bathroom and not wake me up.  Oh my!!  Stomach flu in our house is a bad thing!

I am walking around with bleach spray and lysol wipes cleaning every surface I can and trying to keep the bug away from me.  The last time I got the stomach flu was a week after surgery and I ended up back in the hospital for 5 days.  I cant do that now.  We leave for Disney next Sunday, and there is tons to do, no time for the flu!!  Pray for me that I dont get it, as nothing will get done if I am sick.  Oh my!

My dad came and got Noah yesterday for the night to give us a break, thank goodness.  I hope now that Noah and my dad dont get sick as well as we were all together on Thanksgiving.

I did not really do Black Friday as I had a mamogram apt and blood work apt on Friday.  I did stop at Kohls for some gloves, hats and socks etc... as we realized on Thurs while putting up lights we could not find all of our warm stuff.  I then went to Ace Hardware for another outside extension cord to complete our light display, then home.

I have my four month apt with Dr Wallace on Wednesday and I have lots of questions for him.  I went to see my Primary care doc last week and had some blood work done and my glycohemoglobin is still that of a NON DIABETIC!  @ 5.4!  So that is one thing I am greatful for.  Both Dr Wallace and the endocrinologist should be happy with that.  My hair is falling out at a rapid pace now, that is one of my many questions for Dr. Wallace if there is anything I can do.

As I mentioned before we leave for Disney next Sunday!!  Disney is my "Happy Place".  This trip has been planned for a year and I cant believe it is finally here!  There were many times this yr I thought we would have to cancel it, with my dad being so sick and my surgery being put off til Aug.  Now my dad has a clean bill of health, no more surgeries needed and I seem to be finally getting used to my new life after WLS.  So off we go!  I dont care if I am puking, I am still going!  Somehow, someway I will get there!  There is something about Disney for us that makes all of our problems disappear!  I have gone with bad colds before and while I am there, it seems you forget you are sick and just deal with it. 

I am so excited to take Brigid this trip, she is so much into the magic of Disney and knows all the characters and watched Disney playhouse every morning.  We have been watching all the favorite Disney movies here, as well as some of the Christmas DVD's we have collected from the parks over the years. I keep trying to explain about going on a plane to see Mickey Mouse and she says, " Minnie too?, Cocobell? ( her word for Tinkerbell) , the Duck?"  She loves Donald Duck!  I think it is because he is so silly.  Of course Cinderella is also on her list of princesses to see.  They also have the castle all lit up for Christmas with new lights as of last year, and from the pictures online it looks sooo magical!  She will love that too, she loves the Christmas trees here in the house, always has.  As a baby we would put her in the bouncy chair and she would just look at the lights on the tree and would be sooo happy!  Wow, I have been rambling on and on and if you are still reading this, thanks for listening! 

I know I havent posted on a reg basis, as things here are kind of always in an uproar.  I will try to get better.  I will have my laptop on vacation so I will check in and try to post while we are gone.  Ill post some pics if I can too.

Pray that the flu bug is gone and doesnt hit me or Noah, and that we make it out of Chicago on time on Sunday!

Have a great week everyone!


on 11/30/08 5:32 am - Orland Park, IL
Hey Eileen, for the hair loss I take biotin and zinc once a day. It has helped me with the hair loss. Good luck.

Hope you have a blast in Disney!

on 11/30/08 6:22 am - Alsip, IL
Thanks Nancy for the advice.  There were a couple things I didn't think of.  I went and picked up the last few things and now I am set.

Thank you Carol for the good wishes!

Have a good evening!

Marilyn M.
on 11/30/08 12:34 pm - IL
Hi Wendi and the rest of Illinois...Just laying around today taking it easy from bronchitis.  I have had you all in my thoughts and prayers. Today is my DH's birthday and my grandson's 1st birthday.  We will celebrate next weekend. Hope everyone is doing well.
Blessings,  Marilyn M.  Jesus Fish 
"Yet I will not forget you.  See, I have inscribed you on the Palm of My hands"   Isaiah 49: 15-16

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