Sunday Roll Call - Let it Snow
Well, for today I will be cleaning house, doing laundry, decorating the tree, and finishing up finals for my investment class since I have to go back to work on Monday and with the snow I have no idea of what my commute will be like. Oh, and load some holiday music on my ipod/mp3 players.
It seems with the first significant snow fall, people drive like complete morons who have never seen the white stuff before. I also find those who drive the big SUVs a pain because the think with that big vehichle they own the road and the conditions do not apply to them. I will make sure to pack some extra snacks for the drive as who knows how long it will take.
I did not do any shopping this weekend, but I now know what my DH wants, so I will make my way out on my lunch hour this week to get it. I did make an appointment with my PCM for 12/12 to go get my 1 year labs ordered and done. It is hard to believe that the 1 year mark is fast approaching.
I hope everyone has a nice day, and if you do not have to go out in the snow to just stay home with a cup of hot tea and a good book.
It is 7am, and we have about 1 inch of the wet heavy snow on the ground. Regardless if you love it or hate it, the first snow of the season is always nice, to a point.
Yesterday I tied up spme loose ends around the house, today I want to work on a quilt I am doing from leftover material from my rugs. BTW, the last rug I did was done with strips of frabric that were leftover from previous ones. No cost for it at all. The quilt is also being done with leftovers. When I am done with it, I am hoping to have less then a sandwich bag of scrap, that can't be used. I am trying to be "green" with this project.
I may go to the store and get some baking supplies. I thought I had some, but can't find them. DH thinks I should take the time to clean out the pantry and a few cabinets to see if I didn't just not put stuff aeay in the right spot. I don't think that will happen today.
Have a good day and stay safe.
Thanksgiving went well for pureed food. I have two more weeks of mish mash.
I really miss good hot food even when I can't eat very much.
I have promised my dietian I will get in two protien shakes a day as I cannot eat very much.
I'm rather sick of those too but will do it, or else.
Hope you all have a blessed day.
You can find a variety of recipes at
I prefer a plainer ice cream so I make a fruit ice cream. My recipe is:
In a blender place:
3 scoops vanilla protein powder
Add soy mil****il container measures 2 1/2 cups
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 TBSP sugar free davinci vanilla syrup
10 frozen strawberries
Mix together until strawberries are chopped. Pour mixture into your ice cream maker and process according to manufacturers directions. I use a cuisinart and it takes about 1/2 hour to process. I then take 4 of the ziplock bowls and chop 1 banana between the 4 bowls, add fresh or frozen fruit finely chopped -- I use strawberries and/or blueberries. Add ice cream and stir. Place containers in freezer to harden. To serve, place container in microwave for 30 seconds.
Cat Lady
A week from tomorrow I start my 2 week liquid diet. I thought I was set on my whey protein powder selection based on the handout I got from Lifeweigh. But, my protein powders weren't meal replacements for the most part. Then, I thought I could do SF Carnation Instant Breakfast. I'm not sure how it would taste mixed with water only, but I don't think it would work as the protein count is too low. Milk has been making me feel stiff, even the lactose-free kind. I have a mild allergy to milk and almonds. (to try almond milk). I'm not sure if I want to consume a lot of soy.
Lifeweigh keeps pushing Medifast. I tried one packet and thought I was going to gag from drinking it.
I bought some Muscle Milk light yesterday, but haven't tried any yet.
I am finally under a 100 pounds lost from my highest weight and almost 40 pounds lost since my first appointment at Lifeweigh.