Update on Janet K
Wed Update -
I just talked to Janet K. She is scheduled to have an MRI this morning. They think that she may have Diverticulitis or Diverticuloses. They are currently treating her with an antibiotic and she says she is feeling a bit better. She wants to go home. Not only is tomorrow Thanksgiving it's also her wedding anniversary.
Keep the prayers, good vibes and anything else coming.
Latest Update -
Here is the latest.. the hospital did an ultrasound and catscan and found nothing. At 3:30 today Janet is scheduled for the endoscopy or as she called it, "the garden hose test". If you know Jaent, she can be pretty funny. NO MD has been in today to see her and she is quite irritated. She said if she does not get action soon, she is going to xfer to Central Dupage.
Janet sends her love and hopes everyone has a wonderful turkey day.
I'll let you know as I know.
My OH Family -
Not much of an update but here ya go.. I have not talked to Janet yet today. As of late yesterday, she did finally see Dr. Wallace as Dr. Rantis was tied up at another hospital. She said he did not examine her, just stood at the end of her bed and talked to her. She is so frustrated with the Doctors right now. He did say they would be doing an endoscopy and possibly a colonoscopy today to see if the band eroded and is cutting into her stomach ????
I know everyone is busy but if you live near Alexian Brothers and want to visit or want to give her a call, let me know and I can get some info for you.
Please continue to keep her in your thoughts in prayers.
I just talked to Janet K. She is scheduled to have an MRI this morning. They think that she may have Diverticulitis or Diverticuloses. They are currently treating her with an antibiotic and she says she is feeling a bit better. She wants to go home. Not only is tomorrow Thanksgiving it's also her wedding anniversary.
Keep the prayers, good vibes and anything else coming.
Latest Update -
Here is the latest.. the hospital did an ultrasound and catscan and found nothing. At 3:30 today Janet is scheduled for the endoscopy or as she called it, "the garden hose test". If you know Jaent, she can be pretty funny. NO MD has been in today to see her and she is quite irritated. She said if she does not get action soon, she is going to xfer to Central Dupage.
Janet sends her love and hopes everyone has a wonderful turkey day.
I'll let you know as I know.
My OH Family -
Not much of an update but here ya go.. I have not talked to Janet yet today. As of late yesterday, she did finally see Dr. Wallace as Dr. Rantis was tied up at another hospital. She said he did not examine her, just stood at the end of her bed and talked to her. She is so frustrated with the Doctors right now. He did say they would be doing an endoscopy and possibly a colonoscopy today to see if the band eroded and is cutting into her stomach ????
I know everyone is busy but if you live near Alexian Brothers and want to visit or want to give her a call, let me know and I can get some info for you.
Please continue to keep her in your thoughts in prayers.
Christina, I am leaving today to go to my mom's til Thursday night, but I might be in that area on Friday IF Jacob decided to go to his dad's this weekend. I would love to stop in and visit Janet if she's still there by then. Can you keep me updated, either my just posting here....pm'ing me, or even calling/texting my cell phone, Calvin's got the number LOL ha ha ha. I don't want to show up there and she's gone already! lol I will check here before I do anything anyway though...
thanks so much, you're a doll
thanks so much, you're a doll
Have a fun few days at your Mom's. Drive Safe and I'll keep updating as I know something. I know she would love the company but I sure hope she is not still there come Friday but things do not seem to be progressing very quickly so she probably will still be there. I'll let you know.
Thanks my friend.
Thanks my friend.