Sat. Roll Call
This afternoon we have a cousins daughters birthday party to go to , we just found out about it last night so I am off to walmart later to get her something, Not much else going on I will be making the beans later for tomorrow,
See you all then, Have a good day,
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Well my daughter is home. The first thing we did when she got home was go to the doctor. It turns out she does have the flu and pink eye and her finger should have got stitches but it was too late. So they cleaned out the wound and put strips accross the cut. Then I went and got her prescriptions. When we got home she laid down on the couch and fell asleep. She's lost weight too. She looks thinner than ever. When I told her that she showed me her size 6 jeans and they are too big on her. She said she's not on a diet she just has been really busy. I wish I had that problem.
So now I have her home. YEAH!!! I am going to stick around the house today and take care of her.
See you later.
I have to run to the cleaners today and go to the post office for stamps this morning, before I head for Bloomington and my daughters work to meet her to go to Sam's and an indoor market.
I also want to take some boxes down to the basement and bring up a few more Xmas boxes. Not that I will get them sorta or anything today or tomorrow, but at least when I can I can look through them and make decisions on what I want to use this year. On a lot of the display trees I have seen, they have shown large toys, snowmen, Santa's in the branches. less ornaments.
Looking forward to seeing some of you tomorrow. Everyone have a great day and stay safe.
DH and I babysat the last two days, and I am tired. The kids was good, and hubby did most of the work, just how do you explain to a 21 month old, that Aunt Dee Dee can't do things she usually does.
I was planning on doing some errands today, but I am wore out. I may run and get milk, come home, open a book, and just relax.
I hope everyone has a great weekend, and have fun tomorrow.
As to today, I have a cold and am hanging out with my younger son today. The older one and his daddy are running errands today). My nose is running nonstop so I am considering cutting out the middle man and stuffing a tissue up my drippy nostril!!!
I had the kick-butt duodenal switch (DS)!
HW: 344 lbs CW: 150 lbs
Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea GONE!
Yep.. Outback is my part time gig. It's fun and the food is really good. A nice perk for their employees... Calvin and I can eat at any restaurant that Outback owns for 50% off the entire bill. It's a nice deal. And curb service is always an option on my way home from my day job when I just don't want to cook and would rather veg.
I sure hope you get over that cold quickly. Stay warm and let your hubby and kids pamper you today!
Not much planned around here...hubby's working this morning .
As I wrapped the Christmas gifts I realized I still need another gift for Tyler. I don't know how I missed that, so I must finish that errand today! Then I will be done!!!!
Started to bring in the Christmas decorations, so as soon as Thanksgiving is over I will pack away the fall stuff and get started on decorating for Christmas.
Hope you all have a great time tomorrow. Sorry to miss it.
Have a safe and great week-end!