Thursday Roll Call
DH put the Xmas lights up yesterday on the front of the house, to find 1 set totally out, and another set barely on. I think I will be heading for Kmart after work today, to get some new stuff. This has been being put up for at least 9 years, so it doesn't owe us anything. I also want to get to Krogers after work, so I don't have to go tomorrow.
This will be a busy weekend for me. I want to go to Bloomington on Sat, and go to Sams Club with my daughter, then Sunday to Rockford for our get together. My van will be traveling the entire lenght of Interstate 39 .
Work is going nuts. I haven't made it out on time all week, Plus, we are starting early. These old bones are getting to old for this!
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday.
Well, I'm finally beginning to feel myself again. I'm 3 weeks out from surgery and developing a urinary tract infection so I'm going to try to get into the DR. today. I have to get a release to go back to work on Monday and think I am ready. I have one more week on pureed food and with only a few small indigestion issues am doing well. Good to see so many of you on here this morning.
Things are sooo busy at work and I really wanted to stay in bed this morning. It was quite a struggle to get this ole bod up and goin. I did but it was hard.
Still no news about the potential job offer I'm expecting. It took two months from the first interview until the second so I guess they don't have any desire to do anything quickly.
Just working both jobs for the next three days then I'm off on Sunday for the party!! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. I'm still trying to figure out a dish to bring.
Have a great day everyone!
Good morning Angie, I hope your headache goes away soon, I hate when I get them,
for me I am off to the store to get some more food for Thanksgiving Dinner, we are having it at our house this year, I don't know what I was thinking when I offered to have it here,
There will be about 40 people here including Kids. We cook 2 Turkeys and 2 hams, and all the fix ins, I told my SIL we need to rent a hall for the Holiday Our family just keeps getting bigger every year, Well I need to get going, Hope everyone has a good day,
I am so ready to go Sunday and meet up with everyone, Everyone travel safely.
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Wonderfully chilly morning it is....bbrrrrr....It was nice talking with you yesterday and we will have to get together for coffee sometime.....mot much on my agenda today......I've got to pick up some fresh vegetables for the next few days.....laundry and the gym....bake another batch of cookies.....yesterday at this time I already had a batch of cookies made.....I'm moving very slow this morning........must be the chill in the air....
Oh, well...everyone....have a great day!
Theresa, Rockford
Angie.....I hear ya about the headaches. At between 4-6 months our from surgery, I started getting the KILLER headaches. After a while, my PCP finally prescribed migraine medicine for them, but I have only had to use it once or twice since. It seems that during this time, your hormones are raging through your body causing ALL KINDS of havoc and the killer headaches are on thing. The other thing I had was a horrible crankiness (and that's a very nice word for how I was feeling). I would rather have killed most people than have to look at them or talk to them......again, it was the hormones that are released when you lose so much weight so quickly. The good news is that it evened out and I am now virtually headache free and back to my old, easy going, laid back personality. It didn't really take very long at all, but I sure don't miss those days. Hang in there, it WILL get better.
I am working today after a nice visit with my Aunt last night. She is ready and excited for the move. I think it will be great for her.
Tonight, when I get home, I am gathering all the outgrown clothes that are around my house and the shoes that we don't wear, and anything else I can fit into my car to be picked up tomorrow to be donated to a local children's home. I am kind of a pack-rat when it comes to stuff like this, so it will be good to have someplace that can use them.
I HATE the cold......I need electric pants, socks and shirts!!!! Last year I really struggled with the cold and this year is not looking any better. I am thinking of getting Under Armour, but it is almost $ 50.00 per piece, and that is a bit pricey for me, but if it would eliminate some of these layers, it might be worth it. I have tights, long johns, 2 pairs of socks, jeans, a camisole, t-shirt and heavy sweater on right now, and started the morning typing with gloves on. CRAZY!
I am looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday, and thanks for the wreath orders! My car will smell heavenly!
Have a warm and lovely day!
on 11/20/08 12:17 am - Park Forest, IL
Always something going wrong here lately it seems, Tuesday night Jen & I were in an accident in her car. A car going in the opposite direction 3 lanes over lost it's tire and it slammed into the front end of Jen's car. Looks like her car may end up being totaled, waiting to hear. Luckily neither Jen or I were hurt just stiffened up some from bracing for the hit. Her car isn;t worth much so not sure what she'll be able to get to replace it and with not working yet she won;t be able to get a loan. Earl & I will have to figure out how to help her get something since we only have one car and she needs transportation to job hunt. then last night found out Sami needs glasses however she has to go back for another test on Saturday, apparently her vision is really poor and she has lazy eye....Luckily Jen has vision coverage through her ex that should cover most of this expense.
We are trying to find the bright spot in all this stuff that has been happened since August but sometimes it's really difficult.
Hugs, Paulette