Thursday Roll Call

on 11/19/08 8:19 pm - Elizabethtown, KY
Good Morning Illinoians!!!

I couldn't sleep woke up with a tremendous headache, seem to get those alot lately.  Well, anyway I let "Princess Tillie" out and man oh man is it cold......BRRRRRR!!!!!!
Just can't seem to get use to the cold this year.  I'm cold all the time, especially the feet.  I finally told my DH what he could get me for christmas this year....Electric Blanket!!

I'm hoping the weather will stay somewhat snowless so I will be able to make to Rockford sunday for the get together.  There are so many of you I'm looking forward to finally meeting.  I love mini road trips!

Oh! Yesterday was an awesome day, when I went to pay the rent last week, I told the landlord the oven wasn't working right.  The front gets so hot when you use the oven you can barely touch it for getting burned and it is burning everything no matter what temp I put it on.  It burns the outside but the inside won't be done.  Well he called late yesterday morn said he was bringing a stove over.  I thought it will be a yucky, messy piece of crap, that I will ahve to totally clean before it can be used.  SURPRISE!!!!  He bought me a brand new Maytag self cleaning oven!  I was in heaven and just in time for the holidays.  I thanked me over and over again!

Well not much on the agenda for me today...just like any other day.  I will do a couple of loads of laundry, need to keep up on it this week too busy this weekend to mess with it.  I cleaned yesterday.  I will probably head up to Silver Cross Hosp to visit my friend, and hit the grocery store for a few items.  I may as well go finish up the christmas shopping only have gift certificates to buy and I will be officially done.  WOO HOO!!!  I have finally accomplished being done before Thanksgiving.

Hope everyone has an AWESOME day!!!!

Big Hugs!
crystal M.
on 11/19/08 8:31 pm, edited 11/19/08 8:40 pm - Joliet, IL
Hello Everyone 

Its almost Friday!!!!  Yeah!!! 

My daughter called last night.  It seems while she was cooking dinner last night she cut her finger.  I think it needs stitches.  I told her to go to the school health clinic.  At the very least they will make sure the cut is clean and no infection will start.  Her first college injury.  A mother's job is never done, even when they are grown.

At work here this Friday is month end.  So its work, work, work, to get every thing in that needs to be in.  My desk has so much work on it.  I have stacks.  I have my work triaged.  The most important in one stack, the kind of important in another stack and so on.  I think there will be stuff I will never get to.  Oh well I'm just one person.  

Oh and yesterday for lunch my friend had two chicken breast and I had bread so we made chicken sanwiches.  So I ate healthy after all.

Everyone have a nice Thursday.    

Monica G.
on 11/19/08 8:57 pm - North Aurora, IL

Good Morning Angie and my Il family

Angie, congrats on the new stove..that's so nice of him to do that. 

Today I am doing laundry since Mike is heading out of town for work for the whole weekend.  I am actually looking forward to it, I know that probably sounds terrible, but there is so much less tension with the kids when he's not around.  Other than laundry, nothing really planned for today, I will just wing it.

I hope everyone has a great day and stays warm!!



C. Richardson
on 11/19/08 10:00 pm
Monica -
Are you going to the get together on Sunday?

Monica G.
on 11/19/08 11:26 pm - North Aurora, IL
Christina, I am pretty sure I am...Mike will be out of town though so it would just be me and the kids.  Wanna ride together?  lol  is Calvin going?



C. Richardson
on 11/20/08 1:35 am

Janet K. was going to ride with us but they are having her grandsons birthday on Sunday 
Calvin may or may not have a work day on Sunday... So, if he does have to work, I may take  you up on car pooling if that's ok.  I'll let you know as soon as I hear one way or another.


Monica G.
on 11/20/08 2:25 am - North Aurora, IL
Okay sounds good to me!  Just let me know when you find out! 



Nancy G.
on 11/19/08 9:02 pm - La Salle, IL
Good Morning Angie and Illinois Friends!

Happy Friday Eve!  I love that phrase ever since someone said it to me.  So much better than Thursday.  Makes the weekend even closer.  It will be a busy weekend for me so am not sure why I want it to come so fast other than I am looking forward to our get together on Sunday. 

Today looks like the same old routine.... going to work and trying to stay awake.  I have got to start going to bed earlier!  I tell myself that every night.  In fact I was heading there earlier last night when one of my cats decided to have projectile vomiting.  Oh joy!  Of course it was on my white carpet.  For some reason, they do not think it is acceptable to throw up on the kitchen vinyl flooring which is easier to cleanup.  That would make it too easy for me. 

Hope everyone has a great day!

    Cat Lady

birder I.
on 11/19/08 9:16 pm - Rockford, IL

Good morning Illinoisans!

Looking forward to the party Sunday and seeing all of you!

Cats are totally unable to throw up on cleanable floors--they only do carpeting or furniture and are led to light colors! I have cat stories galore and they aren't cute ones!

Like many of you I am making good progress on Christmas presents, although I have not too many to do. Pretty much it's either knitting or gift cards this year.

We had a all school party last night right after work. It turned out really neat. The number of faculty, staff and students was really good and it was fun. They even did karaoke, well some people did. A group of us "older" women threatened to get up and lip sync, but we decided there wasn't enough alcohol in the world to get up to do it, so we sat at a table and laughed instead. It was a nice break in the week. 

Stay warm today and have a good day!



on 11/19/08 9:18 pm - Elizabethtown, KY
LOL   Nancy!!!!

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