Friday Roll Call
You will do great and please stay in touch, that's what we're here for have a whole slew of new friends rooting you on!
Let us know how thing turn out when you are feeling up to it after surgery
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
We had an eventful evening last night.
We got home to a garbled message from our bank, or someone working with our bank. Long story short(er)........turns out someone has stolen Todd's debit card information and has run up almost $ 1,000.00 in purchases in the last two days in the Lansing/Chicago area. They put am immediate hold on the card and he has to call the bank this morning. That is REALLY scary! The card is in his wallet, and he very seldom uses it, mostly to pay for gas. They must have duplicated it somehow, because the charges are not on-line purchases but in person, "swiped" transactions. I am anxiously waiting word from him as to what the bank says.
I don't know how they handle this, but I hope they catch them and put them in jail. I am worried that this can lead to bigger identity theft, since I don't really understand how it works.
Tomorrow, Liv has rehearsal and I need to shop for a turkey. The boys were supposed to have a camp out, but most of the boys bailed now they are staying home.
Sunday is the big Bear/Packer game and party at the neighbor's house. I need to decide what to make for that too. It is always a pretty good time. GO BEARS!!!!!
I wish everyone a lovely day!
My mom booked a flight over the phone with United Airlines directly a few years ago and someone there took her credit card number and racked up a ton of crap too. It took her a long time to get it sorted but in the end it did get worked out.
I hope everything works out for you guys. What a hassle it will be to clean up that mess. I would suggest that you guys keep an eye on your credit report. Look at it every two weeks for awhile. In the mean time look into that insurance that will help in these situations. I think Allstate has it.
Good luck. I will send you lots of good vibes.
What a gloomy day! It seems that on the days I really need to get out and run some errands, it is rainy and wet. Have to go to the grocery today as we are out of the staples like yogurt and milk etc...
I am still in a funk about this weight loss, not going very well. I feel like I am failing and i went through all this surgery and recovery and have to follow this for the rest of my life and I cant even lose anymore. I am really frustrated!
I am going to go on eggfaces site and see if I cant get some new recipies to try to pick up my mood. I am so tired of eating all the same things over and over again. It gets to the point that I dont even want to eat anymore. It has become a chore. Not good.
I am going to the ABMC support group tomorrow, so hopefully I will get some ideas there. I really need some support as I dont have anyone here to talk to that understands. I try to talk to my husband, but he doesnt get it, he can eat whatever he wants. It is very hard for me, to plan all these meals and then not be able to eat them.
IF anyone is going to the ABMC support group, it is also a clothing exchange. We are going to try to do it a couple times a year, so if you would like to participate in it, please come and enjoy.
This weekend is kind of boring, which is good I guess. Noah is with his grandpa this weekend for a visit. Good for both of them. He has had off school yesterday and today for parent teacher conferences so he has a long weekend.
Im sure I can come up with something fun to do. There is always shopping or walking at the mall, which is a distict possibility since I dont have to pick up Noah from school. Brigid and I are very good at window shopping and at least I will get some walking in.
I hope everyone has a good weekend.
Hello Everyone!
What a yucky day out, but it is the weekend. Elijah and I are heading south tomorrow morning for the weekend. We are going to visit some old friends from when we lived in Decatur, Il. My one friend Carrie was my biggest mentor for going through with my RNY, she is 4 years out and a size 6 and has maintained her weight for 2 years now. I can't wait to see everyone so they can see how this has worked so well for me.
Oh yeah I finally found a job not particularly the best job but its a job. I think I will like what I'm doing (Answering Service), but the pay and hours are what really suck. My DH and I decided that if it gets to the point where I can't Elijah to and from swimming practice & meets, we will have to pull in the money straps alittle more and I will have to quit till something with more flexible hours or just day or midnight hours come up. I will be 2 weeks on days and then 2 weeks on afternoons, the problem is DH works afternoons. I will not have my son miss out for a job that pays minimum wage. Don't get me wrong I'm so thankful for the job, but my kids come first. I'm called the school to see if they knew of any parents who would do trade off driving, but they don't deal with that but would keep me in mind if someone calls. We don;t have family here and don't know anyone yet since we've only been here alittle over 2 months. And none of my sons friends are in swimming with him. So keep your fingers crossed for me that all works out.
Goldenlady welcome and I'll tell ya everyone here are so helpful, warm and caring!!!!
Stephaniejo glad to see that you came back and posting!
Paul not too many dads are as hands on as you, you have some very lucky kids!!
Does anyone know what time we are all meeting next sunday in Rockford and what is everyone bringing. I was thinking of a taco salad, it travels well.
Have a great day and weekend everyone!!
Big Hugs,