Get to know you better

crystal M.
on 11/11/08 9:11 pm - Joliet, IL
Hello everyone

I have been on the daily roll call for a couple of months now and have really got to know you all.  One thing I always wondered about is your jobs.  We talk a lot about work and I always think " I wonder where they work or what they do"  So I thought I would ask. 

What do you do for a living and where do you work? If you aren't working right now what did you do?

I work in Bolingbrook at Sammons Preston a rehab supply company.  I work in the finance department.  Its my job to balance people's accounts and balance to the bank statement.  Basically I stare at spread sheets all day looking for errors and fix the errors.  Exciting work I know.  Its as boring as it sounds.  But I can't complain it pays the bills. 

Janet H.
on 11/11/08 9:30 pm - Golden Valley, AZ
Hi I don't work I am on SS Disability But I did work as a CNA, and when I could no longer do that I was a Telemarketer, Now That is a job to hate, but like you said it payed the bills,
What I do now is not much, I am working on a scrap book on my Journey I make swags, with grape vines, Play on the puter, I love Dominoes, watch TV, play with my Puppies, Kacie and Lexie, Oh and some of us go for Coffee a few times a month, and I love to shop.
That is my life,

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



Monica G.
on 11/11/08 10:10 pm - North Aurora, IL
what a great idea Crystal.  Well right now I am unemployed.  When I had my surgery the small company I worked for went bankrupt, so I have been out of work since March 23rd!.  I am going to school to be a medical assistant though so I do homework during the day as well as the other stuff most stay at home moms, laundry



on 11/11/08 11:39 pm - Rock City, IL
Hi Crystal!
Great Idea!

I am the Administrator for a small (10 employees) company that my Father-in-Law owns.  The title "administrator" means that I do everything to keep the business running from answering the phones, data entry, accounting, correspondence, human resourses and customer service to more mundane things like party planning, shipping, and washing dishes.

Although my FIL owns the place, I am NOT given any lee-way for being "family".  If anything, he treats me worse to prove to the other employees that he will not "favor" me. 

The business was originally set up as something for him and his partner to do after their division at a local company was shut down.  They thought that they would continue servicing and supporting the obsoleted industrial equipment and wait for retirement.  When the business actually became very successful, it was more work than they wanted to do so he called me in to "slave" for him (that was the EXACT term that he used.......)

I now correspond with people from all over the globe and have learned a lot about selling and shipping globally as well as domestically.  The global aspect is probably the most interesting part of my job.  I get called "Mr." on a daily basis because in many countries, they do not think that a woman could be in my position.  We once had customers in from Thailand, and were they shocked when they met me!!!!!

The best part of my job is the flexibility in the hours.  I can take off early one day and work later another day if I have an appointment or something to do with the kids.  I can also dress however I wish, and in the winter, that means LOTS of layers including jeans.

Thanks for starting this thread, I will be interested to read about everyone.........


Tell someone that you love them!

crystal M.
on 11/12/08 8:58 am, edited 11/12/08 8:30 pm - Joliet, IL
I know what you mean about men from other countries.  I had a landlord back when I was married that wouldn't talk to me.  He always said "I need to tak to the man of the house"  One day when I was in a bad mood I said to him "hey your going to talk to me since I pay half the rent!!!"  What a jerk.
on 11/11/08 11:49 pm - IL
I am married with 4 boys, Justin 22, Britton 20, Alex 14 and Christoher 12. I work as an office person for a remodeling company 8-noon and on call 24/7. I take care of my disabled mom and babysit my 4 year old neice Maya from 12-5 daily. Then, in my free time, I bartend on tuesdays and saturdays. No fee time for much of anything else!

Theresa, Rockord
Wendi W.
on 11/12/08 12:00 am - Waukegan, IL
Ok, you asked for it.....

I am an Administrative/Accounting Assistant in the Global Finance/Accounting Department for ACCO Brands.  ACCO Brands is the largest branded office products company in the world, with subsiduaries being Swingline (staplers), Wilson Jones (binders), Daytimer (day planning systems), Quartet (white boards), and Kensington (computer products).  We also make paper clips, binder clips, and other stuff. 

It is my job to make sure that the VP/Corporate Controller and approximately 20 staff accountants are staying on task.  Some of my duties include but not limited to:  Filing, Business Segment Financial Analysis, Communicating with our global counterparts for schedules, Updating & editing the 10Q/K, Foreign Exchange Rates, Journal Entries, and what ever else they throw at me.

I am also currently an on-line college student with the University of Phoenix where I am majoring in Business Administration, Finance, & Accounting.

birder I.
on 11/12/08 3:25 am - Rockford, IL

I am a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor with a specialty in Addictions. I graduated from the rehabilitation Institute at SIU in 1982 and have been counseling since then. At one time I ran a couple of alcohol and drug treatment centers, then I owned a private practice in Rockford and for the last 10 and 1/2 years have done that practice from the College of Medicine in Rockford. Our counseling center is open to the public and while I see only adults, others here see children too. I am also the Course Director for Essentials of Patient Care which is a course the second year medical students have to take. It is 120+ contact hours each year and covers communication, listening, giving bad news, ethics, cultural compentency, health policy, health disparities, mental health, alternative medicine and so forth. I have to line up all the volunteer faculty from the area and coordinate classes, test questions and exams. I also teach a three hour lecture every 8 weeks to the third year students on sex and internet addictions. I am the Chairman of the Medical Service Organization for the school which is the board which covers ethics, HIPPA, credentialing of docs and providers, and quality improvement.

I also speak Spanish and counsel in Spanish. I started out as a high school Spanish teacher (ack! hated teaching high school). I also give presentations to industry and community on mental health and stress issues.



Jill F.
on 11/12/08 5:31 am - IL
What a great idea!

I am 31 years old, live in Mundelein and I am married with 3 kids. My kids are Madison 11, Tyler 10 and Sarah 2 1/2. Oh not to mention our golden retrevior puppy Riley who is 6 months. Before having my daughter I was attneding Harper for nusrsing. I was not in the program, but doing all my main classes before entering the program. I did get my certificate in phlebotomy (drawing blood). Once I had my daugher I decided that I really wanted to stay home and enjoy these years with her and my other children. Plus my 10 year old son Tyler, has an emotional disorder and has needed a lot of our attendtion over the years. So, I enjoy staying home and haivng the mpst important job...being a mom! Once my baby girl starts school I will then go back to school and become a nurse! I would love to work on the surgery floor with the WLS patients. My husband and I also have own a contruction company, so that takes up some time too. Thats me in a nut shell...

This was such a great idea thanks for starting this!

crystal M.
on 11/12/08 9:03 am - Joliet, IL
I know how wonderful it is to stay home with your kids.  I was able to stay home with my daughter her first 5 years.  It was wonderful.  I feel that is why we are so close.  When I finally did go back it wasn't because I wanted to, I had to.  I would have loved to stay home with her longer.  I would talk to my daughter at work and she would beg me to come home.  It broke my heart.  The funny thing is my daughter is 21 now and this past summer when she was home from school  she would call me up at work and beg me to come home...hahaha she never really grew out of wanting her mommy.
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